Wisconsin honors program

Just got an email re applying to L&S honors program. Checked prior threads re this subject but those are now closed. So I’m resurrecting this topic to see what people think, especially current students in the program. Here is what i’ve gathered so far. Unlike some schools, it doesn’t have separate dorms. It allows for smaller learning environments (15-20 students) and the opportunity to get to know the professors. Labs and sections are often taught by professors rather than TA’s. You can drop out of it anytime without penalty. I appreciate the above benefits.
My main question is how much additional work is there compared to the non honors track? Any other thoughts from current or recent students? Thanks.

There can be a limit to the number of students accepted so don’t wait until just before the deadline to apply.

Son and I both were in the L&S Honors program during our times at UW. Both had excellent experiences. It allowed both of us to take honors courses relative to our STEM majors (and others). If you’re worried about too much work- it is only if you dislike the subject and/or are poorly prepared. The regular versions of courses won’t necessarily be any less work. Honors classes typically give you more than the regular ones- great for maxing out on learning (the reason to go to college, duh).

There are some U’s that have Honors colleges- at one time I looked at some of them online and frankly was not always impressed. There is no need to be segrgated in an Honors dorm at UW. There is a great variety of housing in Res Halls and all Honors students do not share the same preferences (even with the same major- as I trucked across campus to see my friends). Having a TA for a discussion section works- some extremely smart ones at UW and the best ones will get the plum assignment of the honors classes. It is nice to not only have a great professor but someone who is much closer to the undergrad experience.

The workload is dependent on the student and the class. Your innate ability and HS experiences will determine how much time you need to spend on any class. Honors classes will give more depth/material- at the same tuition.

In the past not all students were invited but UW in recent times determined all students could potentially do Honors work if they desired. It is not a “track”. There are some excellent math and science sequences for those interested. There are requirements to graduate with honors but you can try some courses now and choose to not pursue an Honors degree. Either senior research or some grad level courses in your major will be required- lab sciences are different than math for which is desirable. Being offered the extras in your major would be something you would usually benefit from. But for most the regular courses suffice.

I would reiterate that it fills. From what I can tell, the vast majority of students who apply will get in. So if you apply to honors early, you are an advantage. High stat students waiting for RD decisions and students who need the ability to financially compare offers are at a disadvantage for freshman entry to the program applying late.

I would also add it’s possible to graduate in honors in your major without getting accepted to the freshman entry honors program. My kid is not in it - he was a late decision maker. But I wasn’t as excited about his program as some others he was automatically put in at some other schools. He is getting more individual attention than most due to major anyway.

If you’re thinking about it at all, just get the application done soon rather than later.

There are a few additional courses, mostly LA electives. Our son (‘23) is doing the L&S honors degree now. Honors classes are very similar to his AP classes in high school. Similar in size and quality of both students and instruction. He loves it. He got credit for all his AP classes, so he’s doing two BS’s and two minors to fill four years.

He got into a lab and onto the MUN travel team his first year. Covid killed MUN and the lab after Spring Break. He got a CNA certification and worked full time over the summer in assisted living since the lab was shut down.

This past Fall he did some covid hotline volunteering. The campus was shut down, it was not a fun semester. This Spring he is joining a “Chem nerd” frat and he got a job as a peer leader for a supplemental instruction group. One of his of his Fall honors class professors recommended him.

Covid has really put a strain on all his plans. Fortunately, he’s in honors everything allowing for many great opportunities. The handful of extra classes were well worth it.