Wisconsin Hype

<p>So now that i've got into and am going to Wisconsin next year i have been talking it up a lot, i live in ohio by the way and most of my friends are going to ohio state. My friends told me that they think i am playing Wisconsin up to be something it isnt, and they said that "Wisconsin isnt that great". Am I justified in saying that Wisconsin is one of the best balanced schools in America with academics/campus/social life in mind?</p>

<p>and i found the quote below in a college book i have, so my question is how great is Wisconsin, could you say its Heaven on earth or is Wisconsin about equal to ohio state, is columbus equal to Madison?</p>

<p>"Overall, Madison provides students an amazing environment for "four great years." From academics, to football, to the abundance of parties, students at Madison claim their school to be "one of the best, if not the best, universities in America!""</p>

<p>I think Madison is a little more intellectual than colombus. There are definately a good percentage of east coast liberals mixed in with the old fashioned midwest. Wisconsin has been home to many protests and student activism in the past and has far better academics in my oppinion. Madison also happens to be a huge party town in general, and with the cold weather there can almost seem to be nothing else to do. I think Ohio state is much more uniformed in its student body and cannot compare to the diversity of Wisconsin. At least as far as midwest public schools go, Wisconsin is diverse. Its academics are also slightly higher than Ohio State.</p>

<p>Madison isn't near as trashy as Columbus. Actually, Madison doesn't have a trashy meter, whereas Cheaters USA is off the charts.</p>

<p>Why is it that students from OH go to WI for the public flagship but not vise versa? Hmm.</p>

<p>If anything UW is very much underrated. By any factual analysis of the faculty and facilities UW is in the very top group of state universities. It has among the most members of the National Academy of Science, in the top 5 every year for most major faculty awards like Guggenheims and Fulbrights, is the number 2 state school in research grants and also number 2 overall behind UCLA. Ties Harvard for most CEOs, has the most Peace Corps and top 2 or 3 in those selected for Teach for America etc. But people just believe what they want. In the academic community UW is far higher regarded than OSU.</p>

<p>I went to an admitted students reception last night and all the alumni could say was that "Madison was the best four years of my life" or that that "its an unforgettable experience."</p>

<p>ahhhhhhh im so excited</p>

<p>do you really think they'd have an admitted students reception and send alumni who didnt like the school? Or would alumni who didnt like it even bother to show up?</p>

<p>I agree that UW is more than likely a better academic school, and Columbus is a dump compared to Madison (and for full disclosure, Cleveland is a dump compared to Columbus) but OSU is way more diverse than UW-Madison!</p>

<p>lol stoppp im not gonna be able to wait 5 months haha.. im soo ampedd =]</p>

<p>I'm from C-bus and spent 2 years at UW - Madison before transferring here (to BU). I mostly noticed that Madison is smaller and less diverse than OSU. As a bit of background information - I was so ready (yet still scared) to get out of Ohio even though most of my best buddies were going to OSU, so I chose UW for its reputation and, honestly, I kind of partied a lot then so I thought it'd be a good time. </p>

<p>I took classes last summer at OSU after 2 years at UW and was stunned by the diversity in OSU's classrooms. I met students of all different races and backgrounds - which is what convinced me to transfer. I know that OSU has its drawbacks for being so close to the East Side, but UW's campus is so far from any real diversity or problems in Madison it's annoying - but I guess some people do like having that safety. </p>

<p>Madison is a lot more midwestern of a city than Columbus. I feel much more at home here in Boston than I ever did in Madison, and now can finally make fun of Columbus when I return home, rather than praise it. A lot of people in Columbus have that metropolitan sophistication not seen in Madison students. The Wisconsin students are from mostly conservative families, and, as I've said before, are sometimes racist without even knowing it or meaning to be. </p>

<p>The city of Madison is more politically active than the city of Columbus. I love Madison's full-time inhabitants, but the students are less sophisticated. I was pretty active in UW's Green Party, which was, vocally, very loud, but realistically consisted of about 8 students (out of 30,000!), and run by mostly grad students and Madison adults. </p>

<p>Nothing in Columbus compares to Madison in the summer, though. Once all the students are gone the city is simply amazing. People playing musical instruments everywhere... ahh yes, Madison is heaven and a completely different place in the summer.</p>

<p>At OSU the students drink, but at UW drinking is ALL that most of them do when they aren't studying. I came into UW as a heavy drinker, but by the end of freshman year I was so ready to be done with that scene and just wanted to regularly drink without getting incredibly wasted every night. The town is the students' playground, and doesn't really feel like the real world - what matters is if you like the sound of that. </p>

<p>My friends from Columbus had no idea of UW's reputation when I went there. It made me so angry. But UW really is well respected by anyone who is in academia. OSU is not really viewed that highly outside of Ohio. There is no doubt in my mind that UW is much better academically than OSU... though I'm not so sure about the honors program at OSU. Supposedly that is pretty good. Personally, I'd choose OSU over UW - Madison in a second, just because I think if you're gonna make the effort to leave Ohio, you should go somewhere to experience the "real" world - not to a world like Madison where the students will be more ignorant than you are.</p>

<p>lol after reading that post i want to go to Wisconsin even more. The real world is cruel, i want Madison to be my playground and like "midwestern cities." The diversity doesnt make that much of a difference to me, i want to have fun and good a good education. Will Wisconsin be fun and give me a solid education?</p>

<p>To say it in native Wisconsinese, You betcha.</p>

<p>it definitely will</p>

<p>just direct them to the usnews...</p>

<p>wisconsin 34...ohio state 60.</p>

<p>Nicole, I'm a fellow Buckeye-Badger, and c'mon... you criticize some Wisconsin students for their conservative values and inherent racism, but knowing the make up of our state and the OSU student body, going to school in Columbus would be terrible. I don't care about ones personal politics, but I doubt OSU was almost 80% for Kerry...</p>

<p>Anyway, college is about whatever you want it to be. For me? I wanted a school that had a campus yet was connected to the world by having urban areas and political ties. It lead me to a capital city that had both. I knew it would not be like going to school in Chicago or NYC, but in my ideal college, I can put off that "real world" feeling for a few years.</p>