wisconsin or indiana again!

<p>I have posted this in the Indiana forum - posting here again for more visibility. the situation is a bit different from the previous wisc/indiana post, hence have opened a new thread.</p>

<p>My S (international student) is intending to join a business school and major in finance. She has received offers from both Indiana & Wisconsin.</p>

<li>Indiana - $1,000 p.a. scholarship (not worth consideration as being international, she will be paying approx. $35k p.a., $1k doesnt mean much), no direct admit</li>
<li>Wisconsin - no scholarship, no direct admit</li>

<p>As I can see, Indiana’s business school is ranked slightly higher than wisconsin, whereas wisconsin seem to have a higher reputation.</p>

<p>We are torn between the two, what to select. I would appreciate the view of others.</p>

<p>thanks …</p>

<p>See this thread below. It's the same issue.</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=318302%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=318302&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>At UW about 70% get into the B school. Need a 3.25 or so. UW is on the way up while IU seems stagnant. IU facilities are older while UW is all new and expanding.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.bus.wisc.edu/graingeraddition/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.bus.wisc.edu/graingeraddition/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>To be honest, they're both outstanding schools for business. Overall, as you seem to already know, Wisconsin is one of the best in the country. It's already been stated earlier in the thread, but Wisconsin is really on its way up right now. Wisconsin is really taking off and I personally chose Wisconsin because of that. </p>

<p>I'm not sure what Wisconsin costs for an international student, but I know for an OOS student from the States its $32,000 a year (and after travelling and such, the expenses for Indiana and Wisconsin are probably just about the same)</p>

<p>I know my post didn't bring much new to the table, but I'd recommend Wisconsin just in case she changes her mind on business. Wisconsin gives her many more options, a beautiful campus in a great town, outstanding student life, and also a more respected name on her degree.</p>

<p>Good luck with you and your daughter's decision :)</p>

<p>tsdad, in the mentioned post, the person received a direct admit at indiana + $7k scholarship but nothing at wisconsin, so the situation is different and weightage for wisc less compared to indiana's offer. in my case, the offer from both unis is the same, hence the reason for this new thread.</p>

<p>fndrplayer8, costs for both coming out to be the same at around $32k as you said.</p>

<p>just as a degree, does wisc name carries more brand value as you have said?</p>

<p>I would say so, eo, however, there might be others who would disagree with me. You should try asking that question on the Indiana boards to see what they have to say.</p>

<p>OP's case is definitely different. Aside from the typical "fit" factor, I think it is very important to consider career placement and the strength and helpfulness of your local alum network. </p>

<p>If your D intends to pursue a career in US, speak to current intl students about the career services. I believe Wisconsin has a pretty solid track record getting intl students hired for permanent US positions despite the additional legal paperwork. Getting internship in US is generally not a problem since US companies do not require any additional legal paperwork. </p>

<p>On the other hand, if your D intends to return to your home country or elsewhere, you should not know very few foreign companies regularly recruit on US campuses. This is when a school alum network becomes an invaluable asset. I strongly believe Wisconsin has a definite edge over Kelley in many countries. So try contacting local alums in your area and "check them out". If you need help locating a Wisconsin b-school alum in your area, just PM me. </p>

<p>Also try to talk to a few students from your country. Country-specific student clubs often help each other and form the basic of a lifelong network especially when graduates return to their home country. Again, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how well Wisconsin does compared to Indiana.</p>

<p>Another consideration is the school atmosphere- I've seen the IU campus, I'm biased, I like UW a lot. I don't worry about any "party" reputation with Madison, you can study hard and NOT party... You may make your decision based on the nonacademic factors. As above, get opinions from fellow countrymen about each school- likes/dislikes... and research the websites. Good luck!</p>

<p>I'm an international student, facing the problem. Except I've directly been admitted to Kelly. However, I'm choosing Wisconsin, because I KNOW that even if I decide to switch majors, it has a solid academic reputation in all its colleges. [Over 70 majors are ranked in the top 10 nationally.] </p>

<p>So, from the perspective of this international student, really Wisconsin has many more advantages than Indiana, in the long term.</p>