wisconsin or michigan

<p>I got accepted into both</p>

<p>I want to ask what might draw someone to UW over UM besides money </p>

<p>im out of state</p>

<p>UW's campus is regarded as a nicer one over Michigan's, so if how a campus looks is on your priority list (maybe it's not), then that's worth consideration.</p>

<p>Also, UW is superior to Michigan in some departments. Journalism, Chemistry, and Sociology are a few. UW is #7 ish in journalism, #5 in chemistry and #1 in Sociology. Look into what you think you might major in to help you here.</p>

<p>Ann Arbor and Madison are very similar. I'm from Ann Arbor. Personally, I like Madison more just because it's bigger, it's the capital, and there's more things to do, but if you like a smaller, cozier town, Ann Arbor is really nice. There's alot to do there too. </p>

<p>In terms of partying and social life, the schools are way too similar to be able to compare. They're both great schools--congrats on getting in to both! It's really all about personal taste; you should visit both campuses and see which fits better. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks a ton</p>

<p>I visited Madison a few months ago, but i've been there a ton because i have family there even though i live far away (ct). i love it, but i am from a small town and it would be very different to be living right in the city like that, which isn't a bad thing, it just would take a while to adjust to</p>

<p>I went to Ann Arbor two summers ago on my first college visit so I don't remember too much, but yea it did feel like a more small-town, cozy feel</p>


<p>The Madison campus includes high rise, Southeast dorms and smaller Lakeshore dorms- you might find your small town breathing room if you consider living there. You don't need to live "right in the city". Do make a midwest visit and walk around each campus again- none of us can tell you which has the best feel for you. I agree that you have to feel comfortable, especially coming from a distance.</p>

<p>Congratulations uwbball! The academic reputation of two universities differs (often slightly) depending on majors. Many national recruiters hire graduates from both places so you won't miss out much in future job hunt unless you really want to work in WI or MI. Bottom line, you will do just fine in either school. </p>

<p>Make another visit, especially Ann Arbor, if you could afford. It is very important that you find a place that is most comfortable/best fit so you would continue to do well.</p>

<p>Ann Arbor has more of a suburban feel to it... Madison feels like a mini-city.</p>