Wisconsin School of Business in comparison to other B-Schools

I am in the process of cutting down my list and touring the schools that I am truly considering. I want to know if I should really think about Wisco; right now it isn’t high on my list but I want to make sure I’m not overlooking it. Please let me know any experiences you have with their business school and if you think I should choose/consider it over these other schools:

Indiana - Kelley
UT - McCombs
Illinois - Gies
Minnesota - Carlson
Penn State - Smeal
Northeastern - D’amore-Mckim
UMass - Isenberg
Michigan - got in LSA, waiting on Ross

Any of these instate for you? Any merit scholarships from any of these schools?

Ask yourself where do you want to work post graduate. If it’s NYC UM Ross and Penn State IMO should be your 1, 2 choice as they are targeted schools by east coast employers. UW Madison is not and BSch grads who want to work in New York/Boston need to work extra hard to get noticed. Not impossible just more difficult. Go to UM Carlson and you may be happy working in Minneapolis as many do. Good school, great town.

@College2B Thank you! that was very insightful. I think Indiana is also similar to Ross and PSU in that sense. This is all good info but also I don’t really have a preference for where I work after college (especially since I’m going into Entrepreneurship). I just am looking to see if Wisco or any of these schools have any really unique and great qualities that should make me consider it over another. Of course there are a bunch of rankings able to be found online putting Ross and McCombs at the top, but still, I want to consider everywhere.

@Boomer1964 I’m from NY, so, no. (I got in SUNY Binghamton School of Management which will be $27k a year but i got in better programs so im not considering it).

I got $9k a year from Indiana, so its about $42k a year now.
$17.5k a year from Minnesota, so its $33k now.
UMass gave me $14k a year, so its $39k.
NEU gave me $10k a year only for 3 years tho, so its about $60k and my freshman year will be $70k.

My budget is approx. $40k. However, merit for everywhere isn’t out yet and a bunch of scholarships I applied for also aren’t out. So for rn since its still early I’m just looking at programs and not price.

All these schools are very similar to each other with the exception of NEU and MASS (school spirit or the rah rah factor is missing from these two) . If this is important to you, those two should be out based on the other options you have. Illinois, Wisco, Penn State, and Texas are not known to give any significant merit if any to OOS students unless you have some incredible HOOK or something very unique that they are looking for. That leaves Indiana and Minnesota if money is an issue. Both are very comparable. Indiana is better known on the East Coast. I guess the best way to narrow these down is based on COA since you mentioned that $40K is your budget. Once you have all your information from all the schools, go visit. You might find that you want to be in a city vs a college town. You might not care about sports or Greek life, etc.

Approx 11% go to the Northeast area. https://wsb.wisc.edu/-/media/companies-recruit-hire/bba-recruit-hire/documents/wisconsin-bba-employment-outcomes-guide.pdf

One major unique program is Real Estate investments and finance.

Indiana places a bit more in the Northeast 14%. But not a huge difference as many from WI prefer Chicago or Minny to NYC.


Am looking at a number of these schools as well. Congrats on such great options. To me it’s a function of where you want to live and finances. UT and Michigan likely little merit dollars to be had. Wisconsin doesn’t seem to give much either. I liked it. Kelley to me with the 11k deans scholarship is a little better. Will see. I’m leaning mccombs. Likely IU UT Austin or Ohio State.