Wisconsin school of business vs UCSB vs UCI for Business

I am currently in California and enrolled in Wisconsin school of business, Madison. I got a direct admit to the business school and I liked the campus and the programs, so I enrolled there. My waitlist in UC SB moved to admit status yesterday and I am now confused if I should accept UC SB for finance and accounting or stick to Wisconsin. I am waitlisted in UC Irvine as well for business. My interests are in business/finance in the tech industry but I am not planning to be a developer - may be business/financial analyst/product owner? Having said that, which one should I choose : 1) between wisonsin and UCSB which one is better? if fees is not a constraint. 2) If my waitlist in UC Irvine moved to admit , should I choose or not choose? Please help!!

Wisconsin is the school of business with a choice of 11 majors(no econ), while UCSB is pre-econ+accounting or pre-econ. If money is not an issue then go with the primary area of interest.

UCI which has a business school is a more apple-to-apple comparison with WSB.

Thank you so much for the response. Sorry I meant, my UCSB major is econ + accounting.

@tsbna44 for more advice

One can get an analyst role studying econ or majors in business school. Econ is more theoretical. what are his interests?
Also consider that pre-econ at UCSB needs a certain gpa in three courses to declare the major which may not be a big deal.

Do you want to be an accountant? Doesn’t sound like it but accounting is a good background regardless. I think you got sound advice. You can get to where you want from anywhere but Wisconsin will be more traditional.

Which school do you want to be at ?

Cost should be a factor. No school provides a guarantee so if you are saving many thousands over four years it could be a consideration for your family.

As for UCI, I personally wouldn’t go. I think more go home routinely…I just don’t believe the four year experience is as strong. But it’s a fine school.

Another way to approach the choice is to look at the suggested plan of study at UCSB. If this interests you then the choice is made.

If this is not what you like then wisconsin offers a lot more majors and minors within the business school.

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Thank you ! To be honest, I only know what I don’t want - I don’t want engineering, medical, biology. I love math , statistics, stock trading, statistics. To a certain extent, I like computer science. Not to the level of coding, but gaming etc. When I did an business Entrepreneur course in one of my summer camps, I liked it, and applied for business majors for colleges. Now after research, I feel its better to have accounting, economics, statistics, data science, information systems rather than business administration.

Could you please clarify what you mean by this: " consider that pre-econ at [UCSB] needs a certain gpa in three courses to declare the major which may not be a big deal."

Thank you so much! @tsbna44 !

It is quite normal for all pre-majors in the college to have this requirement.

UCSB also offers a major in statistics and data science. maybe you can check that as well.

I think you should study what interests you and stop reading what’s better. You need to love what you study. Whether you study business, STEM, or liberal arts you will see many people doing what you end up doing.

If you have multiple interests then you can do a double major or major/minor.