Wisconsin vs Tulane vs Indiana

I just wanted to get some opinions on my top 3, Tulane, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Indiana University-Bloomington.
Some info about me–
From Northern VA (suburban DC)
Admitted to Kelley at IU,
Business is definitely a focus but not a guarantee (I’d like to take other classes too)
Love the sports/school spirit at UW, Indiana comes in second in that regard but definitely good too
Love New Orleans, and I do love the idea of being in a suburban/urban setting esp. NOLA
I do like the smaller school aspect of Tulane, UW and IU are both huge
$, because of scholarships etc, is very similar at all 3
Male, I do like to go out and party, maybe rush, but definitely work hard as well
Dislike the weather at UW very much so, Indiana I could live with, NOLA’s the best
Maybe MBA, probably law school in the future, hoping to end up either on the West Coast or NY
Have visited all 3 and really liked them all!
Any advice/comments are appreciated, thanks!

We can only give our opinions, you need to see which school trumps the others for you. I wouldn’t count on the weather being better in Bloomington, IN- more ice storms than colder Madison, WI. Make a list (another if you have already done so) of various factors that matter to you- social, academic, weather, cultural, etc. Prioritize the list and see how the three schools rank in them- 1, 2, 3. One may edge out the others.

All will give you different experiences. Small school- large city, large school- medium city, large- school small town is one example. Private/public, Large/no influence Greek system, dorms, food service, business programs… For academics see which courses are requires and which are available in the business majors that appeal to you. Look at electives that may be or not be available that sound like fun. Being large doesn’t matter as you get to know a smaller part/groups of people on a campus.

Sounds like Tulane and New Orleans most interest you. Check the academics to be sure you have similar opportunities in your interests as are at the other schools. Also be sure the social fit is good for you- some thrive with a strong Greek system. You won’t find that matters at UW, except to those who choose it. It can dominate other public or private schools.

Finally- discuss with your parents for their insights and preferences. You indicate finances are not a deciding factor. Be sure to check on the rules for keeping any merit aid- you don’t want to lose it because of a bad semester. Consider travel time and costs. Consider how many stay on campus weekends - or do most freshmen go home leaving no one behind (UW students find a lot to do on campus and do not tend to leave).

Good luck.