Withdraw Applications to other Schools

<p>Sooo…I just realized we are sitting here with acceptances from several other schools. S is so enamored with UA, we have hardly looked at any of the information these other schools have sent us. There is info here on housing deposits, honors college invites, accepted students days, etc. I suppose we should probably inform these schools that S will not be attending. I really don’t even know how to go about withdrawing. I guess we need to figure that out. </p>

<p>Have you (or your S or D) finalized your decision to the point of withdrawing your acceptances from other schools?</p>

<p>Last year we thought we would stop the last minute onslaught of mailers from schools D had been accepted to so we phoned each school and informed them of her decision to attend UA. It didn’t stop anything at all LOL! I guess they hope you will change your mind last minute. </p>

<p>We are actually still receiving some mail from schools that offered her scholarship money even now, a year later.
Congrats, and Roll Tide!!</p>