Withdraw from Calculus?

<p>Thank you all for your advice. We have told him to talk to his professor and advisor today and find out what his options are. However, based on all the advice we are definetly leaning toward advising him to withdraw from the calculus class even if it messes up his sequence and letting him try again next semester with tutor right from start. I like the idea of having him go ahead and go to the class anyway to get a head start on next semester if they will allow him to do that.</p>

<p>Let us know what he does!</p>

<p>I have a “friend” who dropped out of her Calc 1 class the fall of her freshman year and then put off retaking it until she decided that she actually wanted to entirely change her major from Applied Statistics to French. </p>

<p>Not saying your son will change his major, but sometimes, de-stressing yourself from a precarious situation helps you focus on yourself and get all your stuff together. He might just realize how much he values math now that he’s had to struggle with it, and the break and regrouping might serve as his motivator for the rest of his undergrad education. </p>

<p>Sometimes, you gotta lose something to find something. Says my “friend.” :)</p>

<p>Would dropping the class take him below full-time status? Would that have any implications regarding his scholarship?</p>

<p>He is currently at 16 hours so taking away 4 puts him at 12 which I understand is still considered full time. So should be ok there.</p>

<p>There is no minimum hour requirement to keep the scholarship at UA.</p>

<p>I would say to drop as well. </p>

<p>I thought there was a minimum grade of C or C- to go on in calculus. I can’t find that information. Maybe you could have your S ask about the minimum grade to go to the next level of calculus. (I might be mixing this up with the EE classes.)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>^^^ txdad13, No probationary period is just that … probation. You do not lose your scholarship while you are on probation. You are given time and an action plan (tutoring, etc.) to bring up your grades and only if you fail then you lose the scholarship. Believe me, they are not looking to find ways to take your money away. Quite the opposite, they are looking to help you maintain your benefit. I speak on this with firsthand knowledge of someone that DID lose the scholarship unfortunately. BUT it was after 2 full semesters on action plan … extended due to the fact that the student actually had an intervening serious illness.</p>

<p>What’s the minimum grade you can get without having to retake the class? Is it a C-? My son is precariously close to that (if not a little below) in one of his classes. I’m trying to convince him to drop it, but he refuses because he “never wants to have to take the class again…ever”. I sure hope he passes - otherwise he will not only have to retake it, but will also have the first grade on his transcript.</p>

<p>^^^ Not sure if there is a minimum grade to go to the next level. Here are some folks that run the Freshman Engineering Program. You could ask them to be sure.</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Engineering Program - Programs - Students - The College of Engineering - UA](<a href=“http://students.eng.ua.edu/programs/fep/]Freshman”>Freshman Engineering Program – Students | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Found it!! [College</a> of Engineering < The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/engineering/#generalpoliciestext]College”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/engineering/#generalpoliciestext)</p>

<p>Please check any policies with your advisor. The folks at UA are soooooo very understanding and helpful. They understand last-minute panic calls from parents! ;)</p>

An entering student must enroll in the mathematics course determined by the student’s score on the mathematics placement test. A grade of C- or higher must be earned in each mathematics course that leads to another course in the sequence, preparing the student to enroll in calculus.</p>

<p>Not sure if this means you need a C- or better to continue in calculus or just the math courses leading to calculus. ( I guess I am not that much help.)</p>

<p>Regarding retaking a class, I’m pretty sure that at Alabama the retake grade gets averaged with the original grade (rather than replacing it). </p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>MARMOM you mentioned in another thread that he is also struggling in ENG103. I can’t imagine risking the loss of scholarship, so I highly recommend dropping Calc. I understand there’s a probationary process but why start out in a jam? I’d rather my D get set back a whole year in her program than lose her presidential. It’s too great a risk.</p>

<p>I meant ENGR in previous post, not ENG. Huge difference there but I stand by the rest of my post. ;)</p>

<p>Son met with advisor today. Withdrew from calculus. The surprise was he also then had to withdraw from ENGR 103 because he had withdrawn from Calculus. Which puts him below the 12 hours but advisor said it was so late in semester it didn’t matter that he was below 12 hours. I guess we will need to have son check with scholarship department to see if this will affect scholarship?</p>

<p>Good luck to your son. This is a set back but one that can be overcome.</p>

<p>He must feel relieved! I’m sure you’ve already thought of this, but be sure to get him to make the appropriate adjustments to his spring schedule.</p>

<p>Drop. Now. You don’t want your son to be on scholarship probation constantly trying to climb back to a 3.0.</p>

<p>Marmom…won’t hurt his scholarship.</p>

<p>I think it’s nutty that he had to drop the eng’g class. Probably could have gotten a waiver or signature to keep it at this point.</p>

<p>Marmon -
No minimum hours required for scholarship.</p>