Withdraw or attempt to get a C?

I am a transfer student who is applying for Fall 2018. I am taking Calculus 2 right now at my community college, and I am not doing so well in the class after the first two exams, which I averaged a C on and accounts for 60% of my grade. The remaining 40% is based on the final, and I am not that confident as of now. I am trying to transfer as a business administration major, for which Calc 2 is a major requirement. I had already submitted my TAG, so withdrawing from Calc 2 would essentially void my TAG. If I were to withdraw from the course, I would retake it in the Spring semester, so I would still pass the requirement to transfer.

Most of my concern lies in my GPA. My transfer GPA right now is currently 4.0. If I end up getting a C in Calculus 2, It would drop my GPA to 3.74, which is a large drop, and may affect my chances of admission greatly. If I drop the course, my GPA would be 4.0 and I would have a W on my transcript. Does a 3.74 or a W look worse? Which path should I take? What advice would you have? Thank you!

A couple things:

A W will not void your TAG. A D will.
If you are applying to Haas they will take that W into account in some manner because it’s a requirement. But getting a C- or D would be worse.

If you think you cannot pull off a C I would go for the W and retake.

What are you doing to pull up that possible C? Are you meeting with the instructor? Are you going to the math tutoring center? Are you doing every single problem in the book over, and over, and over again until you beat it into your brain?

Go meet with your instructor. Ask that persons advice about dropping the class.

Would it void my TAG in the sense that I did not complete the course in the semester I stated it that I would?

No, you can take it next term and still have TAG in place.