<p>Hi everyone. I need advice!</p>
<p>I recently withdrew from my two most time-consuming classes (biology and design) due to some family/personal issues I've been having to deal with. It's a huge relief not having to worry about those classes anymore, but the problem is, I sent my applications in for a bunch of schools (NYU, USC, Fordham, American, Occidental, LMU, Chapman, and University of San Diego). The classes have nothing to do with my major/career plans (I want to be a lawyer) and I have a fairly solid number of total units, but I feel it's "dishonest" if I don't let them know. At the same time, I'm worried this may impact my chances of getting in. Withdrawing from classes is not something I do habitually (I only have done it once in the past because my teacher was awful), but in this case, I honestly couldn't deal with the 23 unit load I was taking due to the emotional stress I've been under (I'm now down to a far more realistic 14 units). On a happier note, I was accepted to University of Miami, so I'd like some advice about that as well.</p>
<p>So I know I will definitely have to inform the schools. My questions are...
1) Will this impact my chances of getting into the schools I'm waiting to hear from?
2) Once I've been accepted to a school (such as Miami), is this grounds for them to revoke my acceptance?
3) When I'm informing the schools of my withdrawal, should I tell them straight and to the point, or detail the conditions that caused me to drop these classes?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance for any and all advice!</p>
<p>Did you drop below full time status with these withdrawals?</p>
<p>Nope, I’m still technically full time. I believe full time in community college is 12 units, and I’m taking 14. Although I’m taking 3 units of P.E. (which may or may not be transferrable, but the latter is more likely, so it could read as 11 to some schools).</p>
Pretty desperate here guys!</p>
<p>1) It might, but that depends on the individual school’s policy. I suggest you contact each school and ask them what their policy is about applicants having to withdrawal from classes, and whether or not that will affect your admissions decision.
2) It shouldn’t be grounds, but, once again, check with U Miami and find out.
3) When informing the schools, DO NOT do it over the phone, and DO NOT do it over email. The best, most professional way to go about doing it is to send a letter to the admissions office. In the letter, explain why you had to drop the class, that you’re still a full-time student, that you know your grades for the classes you haven’t dropped will be just fine (if this is true), and so on. </p>
<p>Hope that helps!!</p>
<p>i think you should be fine. i had to drop a class because it ended up that i would have one too many credits for transfer status at a few of the schools to whcih i applied. i dont think a school will rescind your admission if you have a W on your transcript (or two), but i also dont think that you need to tell them yet (but maybe im wrong?) I would address the issue if it comes up. Thats what I was told by my counselors anyway. Maybe I am in a different situation though, but I imagine its the same for you</p>
<p>Thank you all so much for the advice! Very helpful.