withdrawing from a nonacademic class OK?

<p>it's a pass/no pass geology field camping class. i want to withdraw cuz i almost froze my toes off in 10f weather. it has nothing to do with my major (EE) or grad reqs.</p>

<p>im assuming a W for this class on my transcript wont matter? (ive no other W's) thanks!</p>

<p>I’ve never had anyone look at my transcript except grad school admissions. No employer has ever looked at mine, so they don’t know if I got any Ws or how many.</p>

<p>Go for it. It doesn’t seem like a big deal.</p>

<p>Employers do sometimes ask for transcripts. I cannot be sure why, but I imagine it is largely for verification of your degree (possibly your GPA). I doubt that they would scrutinize for this type of detail.</p>