Withdrawing from a UC to go to a CC and going back to a UC?

<p>Hello, I’m currently a 4th year Engineering major. I have a really low gpa of 1.8 and just signed my exit contract out of Engineering school at UCI. I can stay at UCI but I would have to graduate with a Psychology major or Sociology major because I only have 2 more years to complete my major, and I am not interested in these majors. I was wondering if it was possible for me to withdraw from UCI and go back to a CC and finish up some engineering courses and transfer back to a UC? Perhaps UCI, UCSD or UCR? I have less than 30 units completed from UCI and about 80 units completed from a CC (I spent my first two years at a CC). Will I have to show all these units on my transfer application? I am aware than I can withdraw for a couple quarters and apply for readmission at UCI but I think this uses up some of the time from my 2 year limit. What are my options?</p>

<p>I asked this question at the UC Counselor Conference because I’ve heard from a few students in similar situations as yours, and this was the answer I got: even if you attend a CCC, you will have to return to UCI for at least one term to get back into good standing before you can apply to any of the other UCs. </p>

<p>Since you are already in your last year (senior year), you are pretty much stuck at UCI because most other UCs do not accept senior transfers. Based on the information at <a href=“University of California Counselors”>University of California Counselors; (page 14), it looks like you may be able to transfer to Davis or Riverside once you get back into good standing at UCI.</p>