Withdrawing TAG before deadline

Hi, quick question, I was originally planning to TAG to UC Santa Cruz and sent that TAG in but I’ve changed my mind and would rather TAG to Davis. I know it allows you to withdraw and resubmit your application anytime before the Sept. 30 deadline but if I do switch my school will Davis see it/will it negatively affect my chances of getting in? I’ve also had to withdraw and resubmit once or twice already because I got waitlisted for some courses at my CC this quarter and had to fix the planned courses section; would that pose an issue as well?

TAG is a guarantee (admission to major is a different story) as long as you meet the criteria on the website (https://www.ucdavis.edu/admissions/undergraduate/transfer/transfer-admission-guarantee/criteria ) so if you would rather go to Davis than Santa Cruz then IMO change your application to Davis instead: you’ll be spending the next two years there and don’t want to regret not choosing Davis instead. :smile:

Hope that helps! Good luck with admissions!