Witt, UA cannot defend systemic segregation

<p>I have no dog in this hunt as D1 isn’t Greek & it’s highly unlikely that D2 will go Greek no matter where she matriculates. I thought I’d share news from another SEC school that talks about administration attempts to create a situation where there is no discrimination at all:
[Four</a> religious groups face uncertainty after university review | InsideVandy](<a href=“Inside Vandy: Vanderbilt University's student news source”>Inside Vandy: Vanderbilt University's student news source)
[SIAO:</a> Vanderbilt’s assault on Christianity | InsideVandy](<a href=“Inside Vandy: Vanderbilt University's student news source”>Inside Vandy: Vanderbilt University's student news source)</p>

<p>If anyone wants to send a petiton in, shouldn’t it be the students and not a bunch of parents on a message board. The kids at school are the one’s affected, not us. I think if most people would just worry about themselves and quit trying to meddle in others affairs things would still work themselves out. It just bothers me that no one that has posted thus far is a member of a GLO now, but all of a sudden know what is best. I apologize if that comes off as harsh, just my 2 cents worth. As NJBama said earlier, it should come from within,not be forced. Forcing someone to do something never generally works out too well.</p>

<p>^^^ cctech3 … Noted, and this is why this is a “discussion” board and not a Political Action Committee. :slight_smile: Still it does not invalidate the issues under discussion, right? Free Country and all that …</p>

<p>RobD: That is a very interesting set of links on a very related topic. I did not post the link to the San Diego State blog that I found yesterday that refers to similar topics because I was not sure if that was appropriate here. I can PM anyone that is interested, but I could also post it here if it’s OK with everyone. California schools have a different hurdle to overcome since the State itself has non-discrimination legislation that SDSU had adopted so as to be compliant with the State system. And yet, even in the “liberal west” the same issues are there. Right?</p>

<p>All of this, and I mean this sincerely, points to the fact that Parents reading this board considering UA for their children should know 1) UA is a GREAT option for your student. We just happen to have a very active (and helpful and informative and chatty) group here, and 2) as evidenced above these issues are occurring across the nation and are NOT necessarily unique to Alabama! Roll Tide!</p>



<p>I don’t understand you telling other people when it’s time to stop posting on a thread. Don’t read it if you’re tired of the topic. This is a public forum. Threads fade out when people are done posting. Let it run its course. </p>



<p>That isn’t how progress toward social equity typically moves forward. Often times it starts with discussions and public sentiment being examined and starting to change.</p>

<p>The way I see it, University of Alabama has made a concerted effort to recruit top students from outside the state. They want smart, engaged students, who often come from smart, engaged parents. With that comes the kind of scrutiny we’re seeing on this thread. If they want to appeal to smart, diverse students who are active in their communities, they’re going to end up with students (and parents) who don’t find “traditions” that exclude people based on race charming or acceptable. </p>

<p>The discussion should be welcomed.</p>

<p>I Agree 100% with you cctech3! As a i posted in a different thread several weeks ago, these decisions should be left to your student, young adult children, not the parents. As far as your statement “being a member of a GLO now”, membership is for life. My daughter is a current collegiate member, and I am an alumnae member in good standing. It really gets under my skin when non-members get involved in GLO business. There are lot’s of opportunities at UA that are not Greek.</p>

<p>The racial discrimination asserted in the link in the opening post of this thread extends beyond “GLO business” and impacts the entire student body and the reputation of UA. This would be true if the assertion was against any other student organization, private or non-private, secret membership standards or no secret membership standards. I hope there isn’t some thought here that somehow the GLO’s should be held to a lower standard than the other student organizations at UA or that they should somehow be excluded from the scrutiny that would be applied to other student organizations at UA.</p>

<p>Pinot, </p>

<p>If you will go back and read what I wrote, you will see I did not “tell” anyone what to do. I asked, and used the word, “respectfully ask”. </p>

<p>I wrote the message, cause I am tired of UA being dragged through the mud, because of some sorority’s or fraternity’s shortcomings. There are dreadful people at all schools, and UA cannot prohibit people from being dreadful human beings. </p>

<p>I feel terribly for the few African Americans who have tried without success to rush trad White houses. I agree that UA should offer incentives to encourage it to happen, so that is why I am encouraging an end to this discussion, and action instead. </p>

<p>This thread does make UA look bad, no matter how much others insist it does not. Other schools with much smaller AA enrollments might be just as segregated but never have to face this issue, and their message boards are not frequented by threads implying that their school presidents are toleratant of racism and capable, but unwilling to stop dreadful human behavior. Not everything dreadful is illegal, or can be prevented by an administrator. And this is all assuming that the AAs who did rush with no success were not rejected for other reasons. </p>

<p>I think a petition would be a far better use of this forum’s purpose, than endless threads about something that is always attached to Alabama despite its presence elsewhere.</p>



<p>Now, can this thread be put to bed?</p>

<p>Let’s remember that this particular thread referred to subject matter recently the topic of a CW article. Quickly looking at CW you will see that article is listed as the hottest topic for replies. Reviewing the MANY responses there, you may notice the exact themes, wishes, and opinions found here. The Students, our kids, are discussing it. Here we’ve presented like opinions and references to similar issues at other schools. Not sure how a “petition” would even be accomplished here specifically. I think my posts have been fair, balanced, reasoned and informative. I’m sorry if I’ve saddened anyone, I’m new to this community, but I’m not sorry for feeling like something should be done. I’ll let this drop I guess content to watch the status quo from afar.</p>

<p>Dad2ID, Your post have been appropriate and helpful, and you have done nothing here that you should need to say you are sorry for.</p>

<p>[Greek</a> organizations look to be more inclusive | The Crimson White](<a href=“YouA moves from Youtube – The Crimson White”>YouA moves from Youtube – The Crimson White)
[Witt</a> defends traditional greek system | The Crimson White](<a href=“YouA moves from Youtube – The Crimson White”>YouA moves from Youtube – The Crimson White)
[Diversity</a> increasing in black greek organizations | The Crimson White](<a href=“YouA moves from Youtube – The Crimson White”>YouA moves from Youtube – The Crimson White)</p>