Women in Engineering

<p>Hey Ladies, how would you rate Purdue's engineering program from a woman's perspective? What would you say to convince a female hs senior that Purdue is the place to be--over other top-notch schools? </p>

<p>If you had it all to do over again, would you still pick Purdue, and why --or why not?</p>

<p>...I guess there aren't that many "SWEeties" out there....</p>

Since you aren't getting any female responses I will give you a Dad's opinion. Last year, after many college visits, my D narrowed her choices down to Purdue and another school (where she is now a freshman). Purdue has an excellent engineering program in all fields. The freshman engineering program gives student a chance to overview all engineering fields before choosing one. Coop program was very impressive, giving student a chance to gain experience and earn money while in school. Current Purdue president is very proactive, starting large alumni endowment campaign which has given them the $$$ to build new engineering buildings. For women, the SWE program was large, giving women the option of living in dorm floor with other female engineering students. The senior women we met were impressive and had jobs offers when they graduate.
So why did D go somewhere else. First was size, the other school was much smaller and she felt more comfortable in that environment. Second was location, she is an AE and wants to work for NASA. Her current school is in a town with a NASA site and an office for every major aerospace contractor.
My advice is to visit the campus of the schools on your daughter's short list. Have her stay overnight in the dorms if you can. That is the best way to get a feel for the campus and if it is a fit for your D.
If you have other questions feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>Thanks!...just pm'd you..</p>