<p>Many women have run for president, however none of them has ever run on a major ticket.</p>
<p>Anyone voting for Rice is going to hell.</p>
<p>Um, Nader? I really couldn't think of two more lackluster candidates, except for possibly Ashcroft/Rumsfeld Vs. Tom Daschle. Rice is a terrible advisor, and Hillary Clinton is far too straightfaced and cold to be a successful President. She has none of the negotiation skills, or suaveness, that her husband has.</p>
<p>I Vote For Ross Perot</p>
<p>please... oh god... no... no... i don't have anything against women running for president... i just don't feel having an inept first woman president <em>cough</em> hilary clinton <em>cough</em> would do anything to break the stereotype set my the current society</p>
<p>"Anyone voting for Rice is going to hell."</p>
<p>What a nice thing to say.</p>
<p>"She has none of the negotiation skills, or suaveness, that her husband has."</p>
<p>You forgot to mention the sex appeal.</p>
<p>I tell it like it is lol</p>
<p>uhhh, clinton i guess. at least she didnt lie to to everyone.</p>
<p>If Hilary runs for president, I am going to be her George Soros.</p>
<p>this may sound dumb, but who is George Soros?</p>
<p>The democratic billionaire guy who said he would spend whatever it took just so W wouldn't be reelected president.</p>
<p>and the guy who I really thought was going to throw himself off a cliff on Nov. 3, 2004.</p>
<p>George Soros is a self-made Hungarian millionaire and one of the only liberals with tons of money. He funded moveon.org and he made his money in currency exchange.</p>
<p>PS. Clinton</p>
<p>Over my dead body....</p>
<p>Clinton most definitely. Though I think a snowball has a better chance in hell than hilary has at winning the presidency. There's two paths the dem party can go - more progressive approach with hilary, though she is becoming more moderate (hey, it got her husband president) or go with Evan Bayh (Dem Indiana Senator from a HEAVY Repub. state) and try and play the moderate and moral dem from a republican state thing. It's too early to decide but I'd rather go with Bayh now, especially if we gotta run against another "faith-based" candidate like Frist or Jeb.</p>
I really don't like either of them, but I guess I'd choose Clinton since four more years of neo-con rule would be a nightmare. Personally, for a female president, I'd want California Senator Barbara Boxer.
Barbara Boxer is the best ever! </p>
<p>Anyways, I would vote for Hilary even though both are not qualified nor ready to be president. John McCain would be a perfect president or Tim Pawlenty.</p>
<p>My hope: John McCain for 8 years, then Obama for the next 8 after that.</p>
<p>I have no problems with Clinton, except that us Dems need a candidate that wont embarass himself/herself or enrage half the country, and Hilary unfortunately fails on both counts. We need a uniter, not another polarizer like Bush, which is why I like McCain a lot- he's respected by people on both sides, and is easily one of the only Republicans I will vote for.</p>
<p>Obama! hell yes! I'd like to see him make a run for it in '08 myself.</p>
<p>though....seattle rep Jim McDermott would make a real great president. He'd never get elected though, WAY too polarizing. Northeastern liberals? haha, this guy out outleft any New Englander...</p>
<p>please... oh god... no... no... i don't have anything against women running for president... i just don't feel having an inept first woman president <em>cough</em> hilary clinton <em>cough</em></p>
<p>agreed - Hilary would be a horrible president... nothing wrong with a woman running, but for the love of all things holy lets not let it be hilary clinton.
Her husband was a brilliant politician and a pretty good president, but I can't stand the thought of Hilary being in that office.</p>
<p>*My hope: John McCain for 8 years, then Obama for the next 8 after that.</p>
<p>I have no problems with Clinton, except that us Dems need...*</p>
<p>wait, you're a democrat, but you want McCain to win two terms? Am I missing something here?</p>
<p>Why the hell can't we have someone like Josiah Bartlet win the presidency for once? (WW fans will get this reference lol)</p>