Women's Leadership Program

I was just accepted into the Elliot School '22 for international politics and the Women’s Leadership Program for International Politics… I live overseas and as such have not been able to tour GW or learn much about WLP program. Has anyone been involved in it? I just want to know what it’s like, is it worth it, is living on the Mount Vernon campus worth it, what does it entail, etc.? I’ve read what the school has posted about it but I’d like an insider perspective. (Also, were any other girls accepted? I’d love to talk, so message me!). Also, is the program more exclusive it, or is just a ploy to get people to live on the other campus? All answers will be appreciated!!

@bartram17 Hello and Congratulations! My D was accepted into the Columbian School and will be majoring in Chemistry/linguistics. She was admitted to the honors program and will be living on the “The Vern” campus as well. We toured the school a few months ago and thought it was a really nice combination of two distinctly different campuses separated by only 3 miles. A shuttle runs continuously every 15 minutes and takes about 15 minutes depending on traffic. We really liked the Mt. Vernon campus as it had the feel of a small rural school as opposed to the Foggy Bottom campus which is completely urban (although nice as well). The first year (for honors) it is suggested you live on the Mt. Vernon campus, although I don’t think its required. Apparently it makes things easier because you have specific honors classes taught there. The dorms are very nice with the option of suite living with four singles onto a common area. You’ve probably read all of that information on line. My D liked the quiet of the Mt. Vernon campus. Its not required that you live there all 4 years so if it’s not a good fit for you then you can move to Foggy Bottom. I heard a lot of complaints about the dining plan, mostly that there really isn’t one. There is a dining hall at the Mt. Vernon campus but at Foggy Bottom you eat at eateries set up like a foot court at a mall. Again, my D likes this set up since she is a vegan and is usually quite limited by dining hall options. The suites at the Vernon Campus also have small kitchens which is convenient for picky eaters. That’s our take on the campus, hope it helps! You asked about the exclusiveness of the program as well. I don’t know much about women’s Leadership Program except that like the honors program you were carefully selected. The program’s are quite small and have a lot of benefits. There are requirements as well that will take some time but it looks like the “perks” of these programs are well worth it! We like that it gives you a close knit group for support in those early days when you don’t know anyone and might want extra guidance. Feel free to PM me and I will give you contact info so that the two of you can discuss more. Again, Congratulations!

Hi! I was also admitted to the Elliot school and into the WLP, funny enough, I also live overseas! I’m trying to decide between GWU and Villanova. I couldn’t figure out how to DM you, but please DM me and we can talk about it!! @bartram17

I asked the GW subreddit about The Vern and everyone said they did not like living there. Because of traffic the shuttle usually takes 20-45 minutes to get to Foggy Bottom and the campus can feel extremely isolating. The up side is the dorms there offer better dorm conditions.

@Kd6410 That is incorrect. During hours of traffic (around 8-9am and 5-6pm), it can take a ridiculous amount of time to travel. However, the shuttle ride is otherwise usually 10-13 minutes.

I lived on the Vern my freshmen year. A lot of people would say they enjoyed living their for a year due to various reasons (except for the shuttle), but they wouldn’t do it again.

@liveyourlife26 That’s just what I’ve read from other students. I’d imagine many students have classes around 9 so that could contribute to the problem

The other upside I forgot to mention (that others said) is that it’s easier to make friends

@bartram17 Congrats on your acceptance! I can’t give you an insider-perspective of WLP but I can say that it’s not just a ploy to get you to live on the Vern. At GW, just as after, networking is very important. I think the WLP realizes that and tries to encourage its members- like-minded women, to become friends and a support network.

@Kd6410 @liveyourlife26 I also lived on the Vern my first year and enjoyed it. Yes, the shuttle can be inconvenient at times, but there are definitely pluses to the campus. While it’s not for everyone, I don’t feel like it should be regarded as a “social death sentence” that so many claim.

@NHuffer Wondering if you are aware of Civic House? My daughter was invited to be in that community, but she is turned off by the Vern…