<p>jhu would be my uppermost reach school, but I was wondering if anyone had an idea if I had a chance, or given my info what I could write to make me stand out. I'm interested in engineering (environmental or mechanical), but I may just apply to the arts&sci because I'm not positive. Can students take courses from the school of engineering if they attend CAS? anyways..</p>
<p>white male from maine,
sats- 1330/1600, 1930/2400 (710m, 620r, 600w) (taking again in jan.)
sat IIs- 730 math I, 630 chem
gpa~ 3.9 (unweighted), 3.9+ this semester with all hard classes, and took all challenging courses except history in jr and soph yrs. classes like ap chem and ap physics arent offered, but i took honors.
rank~ 6/200, 3%
ap tests- 3 lang&comp, taking ap cacl, ap gov, and ap lit this year.</p>
varsity tennis 4 yrs
varsity soccer 2 yrs (jv 2yrs)
skiing 4 yrs
science olympiad 4 yrs (and state awards each year)
did a week long camp last spring studying the local marine ecosystem at Bigelow Labs
some volunteering as a swimmer's aid</p>
<p>also, is the engineering school considerably more difficult to get into than the college of arts&sci? On the jhu website, they say they strongly recommend an sat math II subject test if applying to the engineering school - I’ve only taken math I (though I’ve heard they are comparable in difficulty depending on the specific tests). Will this not be sufficient, meaning I’d have to take the math II in january? can anyone answer any of these questions, or chance? thanks</p>
<p>well, i read that the university considers an applicant for acceptance to the university regardless of what major the applicant selects on the application. If the applicant selects BME, that applicant will be considered for the BME program after being accepted to the regular univeristy.</p>
<p>I would say definitely give it a shot. It’s probably a reasonable reach for you but not impossible by any standard. I’ve heard engineering at JHU is very hands-on and design oriented as opposed to just sitting classes. It’s worth a shot.</p>
<p>ok, so declaring my major as mechanical or environmental engineering wouldn’t decrease my chances? and I know my scores are low, but I’ve seen some people on cc that got in with scores comparable to mine, so at least it’s possible. And as part of the supplement do you think they’d accept a design I made? (chances?)</p>
<p>Put down what major you want (mechanical or environmental engineering) - you can move around when you get there. From what I have read Hopkins does take supplemental material so they would welcome your design I think.</p>