woot i got in tech engineering

<p>i got accepted so happy now.
i was so nervous.</p>

<p>Wow you know already? How?</p>

<p>yeah how'd you find out?</p>

<p>Oh, and congrats too, of course!</p>

<p>oh i live in bburg so we have this onsite thing where we apply ealier than early decision.
so on friday last 10 min we all got letters and got to know whether we got in or not.
i was so nervous. they said i will receive my booklet or something to apply on april 1st.
major is general engineering. now i need to choose which one. probably industrial.
btw my grades were 3.8 gpa and 530-730-630 on SAT. I did have 4 years of sports football and track. not that much community service and some clubs.
good luck everyone.</p>

<p>Lucky, wish they had something like that everywhere. Is that GPA weighted?</p>

<p>Congrats to you.</p>

<p>gpa is 3.8/4 i dont know wat weighted and not weighted means.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when VT starts sending out letters for regular applicants?</p>

<p>All engineering freshmen are general engineering, by the way. You don't need to decide until you choose your classes for Sophomore year, which is some time after the half-way-point of Freshman year, I think.</p>