<p>mit student</p>
<p>hahaha... hey i like mit</p>
<p>computer science</p>
<p>girls (yes computer sci girls rock!)</p>
<p>(ps 700th post ^.^)</p>
<p>the color......</p>
<p>hmm grapes</p>
<p>guys ................</p>
<p>J-E-R-K-S (including myself, of course)</p>
<p>the south.....</p>
<p>sour guys? huh??</p>
<p>:grapes (after sour)</p>
<p>dont back track and grapes was before sour.</p>
<p>(after south) warm</p>
<p>no there was a point to me doing that... i was wondering i'd feel sour grapes about columbia if i don't get in</p>
<p>milk (hehe..)</p>
<p>tea . . . . .</p>
<p>pearls (bubble tea)</p>
<p>tapioca (that's what those pearls are made of...)</p>
<p>poisonous .</p>
<p>beautiful(often poisonous animals r really beautiful and colorful)</p>
<p>like a...</p>