word counts *** HELP

<p>microsoft word says my statments are 701 and 306 words long, but the word counter in the application statment boxes says they're 718 and 315. Is anybody else having this problem? What's going on??! I really don't feel like I can reduce anymore :(</p>

<p>thats fine it doesnt have to be exactly 1000, you can go over a little</p>

<p>i think they count contractions as two words sometimes</p>

<p>^ I don’t think so. I remember some UC person telling me that the word counter is POS. Just trust Word, and submit it.</p>

<p>Don’t go over 1000 or they’ll castrate you.</p>

<p>^ lol!!! LIES!!! What if your a girl? :rolleyes:</p>

<p>ok, thanks guys, I didn’t know how much over was too much over, I’ll just submit it.</p>

<p>i haev 1,064 right now, is that acceptable? or whats like the cutoff?</p>

<p>That’s fine.</p>

<p>Is anyone submitting a statement with much less than 1000 words, like in the ballpark of 700-800? I am, and I’m getting concerned now since it seems that everyone is doing way more.</p>

<p>I’m figuring that since the instructions say less than 1000 combined, but no less than 250 each, that I’m good. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.</p>

<p>Ugh, this thread has been done so many times. </p>

<p>grey_syntactics, they look for QUALITY, not QUANTITY. Just because someone wrote something that totalled 1050 words doesn’t mean that their essay is better than your 700-800 word one. The people that are going to be looking at your essay aren’t going to go, “Hmm, looks like this individual only wrote 700 words. That is grounds for AUTOMATIC REJECTION FOR ME!”</p>

<p>Relax. Just have good content and you’ll be fine. The 1000 word guideline is just that, a guideline.</p>

<p>You should relax. Thanks for the uninformative patronizing.</p>

<p>Haha, it made my both personal statements to add up to exactly 1000 :] So, I should not complain :] You will be fine. Good luck!</p>

<p>gogogo! submit them</p>

<p>the machine caps your essay off at 1147 words…true fact.</p>

<p>i talked to a ucsb representative</p>