Work Experience on UC App

<p>Hey, I have a question guys. If I worked as a receptionist for my uncle for 2 summers (once after 9th grade and once after 11th grade) but did not actually have an official job what should I do? I worked as his receptionist for probably 2 months on weekdays but I didn’t actually have a job; he paid me under the table 8 dollars an hour. Should I list this under community service and pretend I was just helping out or can I list it under work exeperience. Keep in mind that I do not have a work permit and I think I was even too young to work the summer after 9th grade. Thank you in advance.</p>

<p>Do not list it at all. As a job, it was illegal. As community service, it is a lie. Neither belongs on your application.</p>

<p>bump, can anyone else give me some insight?</p>

<p>This would not be considered work experience and being a receptionist is not COMMUNITY service.</p>

<p>you did get paid, so it is definitely not community service. I worked as a swim teacher with my hs swim coach, but she was the one that paid me. i counted it as a job, because i was there m-f for 8 hours in the hot socal sun. if they didn't want you to put it, they wouldn't have a slot to put that you had a job over the summer. do what you feel, but i would say you were working.</p>