<p>So, </p>
<p>I actually did post a few days ago about "papers papers omg papers!~" But now I'm just curious about general workload at UC's, since they're (mostly) on the quarter system.</p>
<p>It would be an understatement to say that I'm freaked out haha. I want to get at least a 3.4+gpa wherever I go, but I feel like a lot of people have issues just getting a 3.0 at places like ucla or cal. bllah</p>
<p>Then, I saw in other posts "I read 1000 pages a week." Are you serious?! I can't even read 20 pages without my mind wandering off to something more interesting :-\ (altho it could be subject related?)</p>
<p>Hmm--All I know is I think we're in for a rude awakening haha</p>
<p>That hasn’t been the case for me as a Media Studies major at Cal. During my first semester, I made sure to read every page of assigned text and I quickly figured out that that isn’t necessary. This semester (my second semester), I’ve been able to tell which classes I need to study hard for and which ones I don’t. I probably cut my workload in half this semester and my grades aren’t suffering because of it. </p>
<p>As far as papers are concerned, my paper assignments have been short (4-5) pages but, unless you write something totally brilliant and creative, you aren’t going to get an A. I think the highest grade I’ve gotten on a paper assignment is 90%. </p>
<p>That said, getting Bs on assignments doesn’t mean that you can’t get As in your classes. Discussion sections usually account for 15-20% of your overall grade and if you do all of the work and participate, that should bring your grade up from a B/B+ to an A-. Last semester my grades were: A, A-, B+, P. This semester should be pretty similar. </p>
<p>It really depends on the major and the amount of time you’re willing to put into it. Quite frankly, my time is valuable and I refuse to have my nose in books 24/7. If that means sacrificing an A for an A- or B+, so be it. If I really wanted to, I could easily be reading 500+ pages of text per week, but it’s not necessary, so I’m not going to do it. To each his/her own. :-)</p>
<p>I COMPLETELY agree!! i refuse also to be a study tsudy study kind of person, I kind of like to integrate it throughout the day haha.
We shall see what happens
Thanks for your input!</p>
wow…? Okay.</p>
<p>I work, I have an internship in SF, Honors, etc. and I still have time to read 1,000 pages a week. You make it sound like I have no life, lol. It’s important for my major to keep my grades up, Psychology, especially since I want to go onto Graduate School. Back in CCC I wouldn’t have to read any book to Ace the class, simply attending class and listening to the lecture was enough. I’m not saying you have to be strict with yourself like me, because that’s not the case, I’ve seen a lot of people get decent grades and not push themselves to the extreme like myself. But my grades are something I work for, and I’m really proud of myself for keeping my 4.0 this year. </p>
<p>Some people are different, I just put an end to my procrastination because I knew I finally had to get serious about this.</p>
<p>agree with AndrewC</p>
<p>I Double agree with AndrewC… this is almost as bad as those threads where people are like “I’m getting a D is my UCLA acceptance going to rescinded?” If you don’t want to/ can’t do the work then don’t apply</p>
<p>Asking about the workload is a perfectly acceptable question and it’s one that I have been asked by MANY of my friends that haven’t transferred yet. In fact, it’s probably the most common question I am asked as a current Cal student. </p>
<p>I know that you guys all think that you are totally ready for it but, believe me, the workload gets to even the most motivated students at times. I’m sure that even Sakurax will admit that it’s not easy to put in as much work as he/she does. So, until you guys know what it’s like, stop hating on someone that is asking a perfectly legit question.</p>
<p>you think you guys are so freaking adept at reading 1000 pages a week? Then be my guest and kill yourself over the next 2 years!
<p>I’m not asking for your rude answers. I have issues with exorbitant amounts of reading and prefer not to read 1000 pages? I dunno but i’m PRETTY sure most of the population wouldn’t want to either, or at least wants to know a little more about the workload</p>
<p>and btw</p>
<p>I went to tulane AND the univ of miami together for about 2 years-i’ve been to 4 year schools ot know the differences
I just don’t know if upper division classes are harder</p>
<p>I love how AndrewC’s first post is bashing someone :D.</p>
<p>For what it’s worth (almost nothing i’m sure), I don’t object to the thread Jeremybeach. Not too interested in it, but certainly don’t object.</p>
<p>Haha it’s not something to have a passion over it’s fine lol-I’m just intrigued by how much harder I’ll have to work-I wanna be infooormed!</p>
<p>damn some people really need to chill. jeremy, your asking a perfectly legit question that me and a bunch of my friends are wondering ourselves.</p>
<p>thank you
I used to be one of those people who was a crazy workaholic and had no social life (well I DID it was just limited) and would go above and beyond and learn more than I had to and cry if I got an A-</p>
<p>those days are GONE haha</p>
<p>@AndrewC - Take out whatever is in your ass right now! This is an internet forum for goodness sakes…</p>
<p>@jeremy Dude I totally agree, I hope I can handle the work load as well. I’d love to go to Cal if I get in, but I’m wondering whether a choice for Cal would doom me to either A. Working constantly or B. Not working constantly and getting sucky grades :/</p>
<p>I hope not!!!
And I could never read 1,000 pages a week either, that’s ridiculous!</p>
<p>There are books for speed reading. Might be good for ya Jeremy!</p>
<p>Haha nooo I think you guys misinterpreted what I meant ha
I CAN read, and do, a lot, it’s just you know how it is! After 20 pages your mind starts to get numb and if you have to do that 5X a day for 5 different classes (or 4, or 6, w/e) then it can be hard to remember-X5 per week = challenging
not that I can’t do it, I’m just worried about the specifics you know.</p>
<p>i think speed reading is kind of a gimmick and doesnt give you the retention rate of normal reading</p>
<p>That’s why I’m gonna like going to the quarter system. None of that “I’ve got 5 classes” crap.</p>
<p>I agree this is a legit and acceptable question to ask but consider this: why do you hesitate reading 1000 pages a week about something you like to study or major in? Unless you are not interested in your field of study(then why major it in it in the first place) or you are forced to take some classes that you need to graduate which is not interesting to you. If you don’t have time to read 1000 pages a week because you have other things to do then maybe full time school is not the right thing for you at the moment. I am sure someone can have a balanced social life while being able to keep up with his/her studies. I have been a big time procrastinator all my life and until you really manage your time, you won’t know how much time you really have in your hands.</p>
Very well said, thank you so much.</p>