Work study (campus employment)

<p>how does this process work exactly? does the university earmark a certain amount and deduct that from your tuition or is a pay-as-you-go type of deal?</p>

<p>You must find your own job - the school will post work study jobs, and you apply/interview. You earn a wage and are paid just like in any other job. You can earn up to your award, but not more - with no guarantee you’ll actually earn the amount you were awarded (hopefully, you will - but no guarantee).</p>

<p>got it, thanks :)</p>

<p>Last year my daughter had a WS job that was not very reliable and earned about 10% of her award even after converting 1/2 the award into a loan (you can do that if you do not have the maximum in subsidized loans already). Even though she really liked the job and the prof she worked for she did not go back this year because she wanted and needed reliable income. She has a WS job off campus this year (WS can also be off campus with non profit organizations - she works at a Government lab) and it looks like she will earn the full award. The best thing she has found is that WS employers are usually quite understanding about scheduling issues and exams times etc. When she worked in a non WS job she found it quite stressful trying to balance school work and work work.</p>


good point, i’ll keep that in mind.</p>