Work study - Unsub loan or neither

<p>So i am transferring to Umich next semester and am just getting finaid set... my predicament arises from using a Unsubsidized loan - works study or neither and paying it all somehow. </p>

<p>So i told my parents i am paying for school this year to help b/c they pay for my 2 sisters too. So i have some savings to use and I received enough in grants and scholarships from outside sources and through academics to cover all but 2000$ of tuition. </p>

<p>My WS is for 1250
and loan for 1926</p>

<p>wither way i need to cover the extra cost which my savings can do ( i hope)... but should i take the ws and use my savings to cover the rest, take the loan and get an actual job to have spending money and increase the savings, or hope that my savings will be enough to cover tuition+books and get a job... - no matter what i would like to have a job - otherwise i spend all my time with school and parties and spend way too much. work will reduce this spending --- advice???</p>

<p>i am thinking of the loan and then get a job on campus in the lib or something - they make like 12.50/hr... so nice pay - but just will give me some extra cash to mess around with like stocks or something.</p>


<p>First of all, you can always take the loan later in the semester if you find that you need it. Turning it down doesn’t mean you can’t accept it later … you just have to request it (contact the financial aid office for instructions). </p>

<p>I wouldn’t turn down the work study yet. Work study jobs are pretty good. You get good money and good hours. If you find that you can handle another job on top of that to pick up more pay, you can always do that. If you can’t find a work study job you like, you don’t have to take one.</p>

<p>My suggestion would be to use your savings. Take a w/s job if you want. Take a loan if you find you are running short on funds. Relax and enjoy UM!</p>

<p>that is what i was thinking of doing. and in talking it over with the parentals i think i’ll do that - i want to get a job to distract me from school… it is Umich. any more advice?</p>