<p>hey so i’ll be doing work study next year, but i’m wondering if anyone knows if we get to choose or we’re assigned … and if any current student has done this, how is it? im just hoping that i wont be washing dishes in the cafe heh</p>
<p>you actually have to go get a job. If you don't, no one is going to say anything to you. There are plenty of places to get jobs and they will be fairly publisized if you keep an eye our for them. I ended up getting a work study job in admissions half way through the 2nd semester. Probably will go back there in the fall (assuming they need me and my schedule permits) and no students work at any of the food places, so don't worry ;)</p>
<p>sweet... i'll b in work study also... does anyone recommend any particular job? my sister at her own college suggested that i find a job that has me working at the computer.. that way i can work, and do hw at the same time??? is that a good idea?</p>
<p>Anything that says "Admin Asst" is almost assuredly college-speak for "sit around and do homework"... and occasionally deliver mail... and write recommendation letters for your boss to sign.</p>
<p>What if you don't qualify for work study (At least I havnt heard anything about me doing work study)? Is it still easy to find a job?</p>