Working During ICORE

<p>Hi, I am going to take ICORE this fall and I was wodnering if anyone knows how hard it is to have a part time job (20-30 hours per week) while taking ICORE? I would rather not have to work, but I'm going to need some extra cash. </p>


<p>Icore is a real grind. It will be impossible to work 20-30 during the case, but you probably know that already. You will probably work at least twelve hours a day during the case.</p>

<p>Also, a lot of students form four-person study groups to keep Icore form being so monotonous and to handle all the content; the groups tend to meet for hours everyday, so having a job will make it really difficult to meet with your group. There are two sections of Icore for regular Icore, so a good format to follow is a four person group with two people from each Icore section, so that you can share ideas about how each professor/set of professors is approaching content to better cover all the bases about what might be on the midterm and final. </p>

<p>If your study style is that you learn well alone, you will still be extremely challenged by the broad content and the demands of all the small assignments through the final if you work that many hours. You will definitely get feedback on whichever strategy/number of work hours you choose in the form of the mid-term Icore grades, and may have to make changes in your approach after that.</p>

<p>Also, congratulations on getting into Kelley as a transfer student.</p>