Working on Regular Decision App - QUESTION!

<p>When I previewed my parts 1A and 1C on the Penn app online (in PDF form), I found that my signature was not on the first blank about “i didnt lie on this app” sort of thing, but it WAS on the second one about how “how i wont try to read my recs” However, when i tried to go back and find where I didnt submit my first signature, i could NOT find it. will that come after i submit parts 1A and 1C and submit my application fee? thanks to whoever answers this!!!</p>

<p>If i remember this correctly the sig. form that you mail in might make up for this empty space if it is not filled in after submited. If the application says it has no errors than you are fine, go ahead and submit it. GOOD LUCK</p>

<p>Don't sweat it. Just print the second page of Form 1A, sign on the two lines at the bottom and mail it in. I did, and it was fine.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Don't worry! I noticed that when I did mine too. But you don't even have to mail IA in with a signature. I didn't and they said they had my complete app.</p>