<p>Hi, I'm a Junior at Rutgers University majoring in Journalism. I know it's a tough field to find a job after college since "Journalism" itself is slowly dying out and it's just so competitive with few demand. I'm getting decent grades at all and I am majoring at something I have a deep interest for, without having to receive any pressure from my parents being forced to major in something that has high job security and all that. However, I'm starting to worry about being able to finding a job within the Journalism job market. Regardless of the fact I graduate with an excellent GPA with a Journalism Degree, will finding a job within the Journalism job market be impossible if I don't exceptionally stand out compared to others? What are your guys' tips or recommendations? I'm minoring in Criminal Justice and Bilingual, wanting to find a job that deals with writing or work requiring translation (Korean). Are my opportunities limitless or should I be concerned? I only have one year and a half left until graduation, and I've came to a quick realization that it's time to get real.</p>
<p>Yes. It will be difficult, especially because you are a journalism major.</p>
<p>If you are solely looking for journalism jobs, as in one that pays really well and is stable, then you are in for a hard life, unless you are exceptional and have a vast network.</p>
<p>If you are willing to just about go into any career, then your future is not as bleak as you think. You’ll be able to get a job and live, but it may not be your dream job with the most ideal starting pay. Just start applying for entry level positions and cater your resume to fit that position’s needs. There are a lot of job positions you’ve never even heard of with large companies. Do your research.</p>
<p>FYI, I’m a humanities major, graduated last year, and I ended up just fine.</p>