Finals at my school have already finished and the grading period will be ending in a few days.
I was looking at my grades and realized that one of my classes was a D because the professor didn’t grade some of the online quizzes I had submitted in February. I forwarded them again before the semester was over but it still doesn’t look like they received it. The forwarded e-mail has a date from this month but the quizzes still have the original date from when I took them. The quizzes actually appear older because those copies were ones I had resubmitted because the others were apparently trashed.
With the quizzes put in my grade will be a C.
Have any of you been in this situation? I’m aware the class wasn’t my strongest subject but I wasn’t that horrid with assignments.
It’s worth picking up the phone and calling the professor or stopping in his office. Email is not always better. 
Thank you! I’m no longer back in my college’s town and office hours are over since the academic term finished. Would it be alright as long as the email is very formal?
=That’s fine; I would still follow up with a phone call.
Thank you @skieurope !
I was worried about sounding entitled by asking for a grade review but I figured it was worth the shot. If it stays a D, it stays a D. I hope not though.
If you believe that some quizzes were legitimately overlooked, then contact your professor ASAP.
I actually would not suggest calling your professor over the phone unless you know their availability (and contacting them late at night is definitely not a good idea), otherwise your calls would just go straight to voicemail. It’s better to meet your professor in person.
agree. This sounds like a call that needs to be made. Be very pleasant and professional, of course. In person also good.
Most professors would rather see a student get a C than a D. Let them know about the oversight. I concur that following up with a phone call or in person is important.