Would a Computer Science teacher count as a science teacher?

A family friend asked me this, and I’m stumped. Their kid is applying to some schools that request or “prefer” letters of recommendation from math/science teachers. At first glance, it seems fine. Most schools/majors with this request are tech-focused, so programming seems more applicable than bio or chem.

At the same time, the class isn’t counted as a science elective for high school graduation or admission to our state university (it’s considered a general/practical elective). It’s not an AP Comp Sci class (although kids can take the test if they want) and focuses on Java and C++.

Unfortunately, she did not do well in science or math last year, so I can’t recommend that she play it safe. She also just really likes her comp sci teacher, and he likes her. I told her to call the colleges and ask, because I can’t make a guess. What do you guys think?

At my HS, CS is housed in the math department, so I would say math teacher. It really does not matter though, does it? It still counts as a math/science teacher.

Computer Science is usually housed in the math Department. It deals with numbers and much more.

Yes, CS counts as math and science.

@skieurope @NASA2014 @guineagirl96 Thanks guys! At her high school it’s housed separately from math and science and grouped with classes like International Relations and Psychology.