<p>Sorry if this i the wrong place to post, but I finished a very rough draft of my commonapp essay and I want to see if I'm on the right track. I also posted on the essay forum, so you can respond there if that's better. It's prompt 1. Thanks so much.</p>
<p>good grief, is it so hard to just copy paste the essay here? </p>
<p>You’ve posted this on multiple forums without including the essay.</p>
<p>^Many including me advise against posting on the thread. The way it works is whoever wants to read the essay comments on the post and OP Private Messages the essay to whomever he feels he wants to. He can check posts and topics of each individual he sends it to, to see what kind of person he is sending it to. This is how plagarism is avoided.</p>
<p>I would agree on that approach for most stuff but advice on a commonapp essay seems a bit much.</p>
<p>A research paper, exam or a paper submitted for an award is an entirely different story though.</p>
<p>Just my two cents, but I highly doubt you would run into any problems by posting it here.</p>
<p>Hi ironchariot – PM it to me – I’ll take a look and send you some feedback.</p>
<p>I agree with muhammad9211 – PM’ing it is the way to go.</p>
<p>I’m a parent/English teacher. I’ll give you some honest feedback. PM me.</p>
<p>Please read this thread that details in part why students should NEVER post their essay on a College Confidential thread. Plagiarism is rampant in college essays – see post #28: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-essays/1532497-safe-ask-strangers-internet-read-your-essays.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-essays/1532497-safe-ask-strangers-internet-read-your-essays.html</a></p>
<p>@Atomom and @Classof2015 I will PM it to both of you, thank you both so much!</p>
<p>I know I’m swimming upstream here, but why on earth would you want some internet stranger to read your essay? This site is useful for many things, but that’s not one of them. Give it to YOUR English teacher, GC, PARENT, or someone you know personally.</p>
<p>@massmomm This is just my opinion, but I feel that getting a rough draft out to an unbiased stranger will help me spot weaknesses that someone who knows me might overlook. College adcoms will be strangers, too, and I would like to see how I’m perceived by a stranger. I want to finish drafting essays before school starts, and I don’t especially want to present something to my teacher/gc that is way off-base. My parents don’t have any app experience. Again, sorry if I violated decorum, I really didn’t mean to make anyone angry.</p>
<p>It is perfectly okay to ask for readers here, not a protocol issue. There are differing opinions about the usefulness of it, so take such comments as that–opinion. Just take feedback with a grain of salt, you have to write what is right for you in the end. Frankly, a lot of HS essays are just not very good. They need more work that kids seem willing to put into it, so it is good that you are getting a start. And at some point, you do need to assess if the draft is promising enough to put a lot of work into it.</p>
<p>I do think that you are right to get your essay through a few drafts before asking a teacher to read it. And your parents may or may not be good readers, you are in the best place to judge.</p>
<p>I don’t mind reading essays here and there.</p>
<p>@brownparent Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it. I appreciate all the help I can get, and I am willing to put in the work. If you wouldn’t mind reading mine, I’d appreciate your input, but if not, thank you for your advice.</p>