My story is one that many overachieving students probably know.
From 6th grade on I was obsessed with Harvard. Then I switched to Stanford in 8th grade. In 9th grade I got a thing for Brown, and in 10th grade I fell for Princeton and Yale.
Now I’m going to be a senior, and I’ve been agonizing over which colleges to apply to for months. I’ve been very stressed, very anxious to the point where I had to see a therapist about all of my anxiety. Which is very common, and makes a lot of sense, since I’ve been agonizing for my whole high school career on how to get accepted, how to be unique, how to be one of those few in a hundred. A nearly impossible task.
But the reality remains that I’m a second-generation UNHOOKED Asian. No matter what EC’s I have, no matter how good my essays are, my chances are just bad. That’s just the way the game is.
The problem is, I think the selectivity, the eliteness, the unachievableness of Princeton and Yale, is what attracts me to them more than anything else. Don’t get me wrong. I like Princeton’s senior thesis, and I like their undergraduate focus. I like Yale’s diverse and vibrant community. But would I be /dying/ to go to these schools if going there didn’t mean I could feel superior to students at less selective institutions?
No. I would not. Because the reality is, I’m used to being special, and I don’t know if I would thrive in an environment where everyone else is too. I don’t know if I appreciate the class privilege that most students possess before they go in and certainly have once they leave. I know that schools at the HYPSM level offer “unparalleled resources” from research opportunities, to financial aid, to mind-blowing professors. But I also know that many studies have shown that students who are at least qualified to get into the most-selective schools end up doing just as well no matter where they end up. I believe that I’m at least qualified, but that I will only get in if they need a student like me to fill a niche in their community. How am I supposed to fulfill the exact niche they need on their campus, given their applicant pool?
I don’t want to bother to apply, but I’m afraid I’ll hurt myself with this decision.
Here’s the other side of the story. My parents say that I should apply everywhere, and figure out my options after I get my acceptances. My mom told me about a student from India who applied to thirty U.S. institutions and got rejected from all of them except Harvard. Her point being, there is always a chance.
But I think getting accepted to Princeton or Yale is most important to me because I want these institutions to validate my life choices. I want to allow my immigrant parents to be able to brag to their families. What attracts me more than anything is the exclusivity of these schools.
I was going to apply to Princeton/Yale SCEA but I think what attracts me more than anything to these schools is the exclusivity. I really don’t think that I should go to a hyper-elite institution, but my parents, my guidance counselors, my life experiences all tell me that there is no better way to validate my intelligence and my worth than to apply and get accepted.
I’m not going to post a Chance Me thread. I hope you all trust me when I say that I’m at least qualified to get in. I’m unhooked though.
Would I be doing myself a disservice by not applying to Princeton and Yale? (Applies to the other schools in HYPSM as well, though I personally am not interested in them)