would anybody mind chancing me for a few colleges, please?

<p>I'm a rising senior at an urban Ohio school. I'm a white female? lol. I qualify for a Pell Grant, as far as income goes. I'm pretty interested in Elon University, Gordon College, William and Mary, Smith College, Emory University, and Capital University. </p>

<p>Academic Stats
GPA: 3.97something weighted. My school does not do unweighted but I believe it's around a 3.7? GPA also includes two HS classes taken as an 8th grader.
Rank: 19/400.
SAT I's: R660/W660/M440 (retaking in Oct. in an attempt to raise the math score)
SAT II's: U.S. History + English Literature (or whatever the English one is) in November.</p>

Honors: Honors Biology, Honors English
Advanced: English II, Modern World History, Algebra I, Integrated Science.
AP: U.S. History (5), English Language (5), American Gov't (3).
Senior Year: Chemistry (ADV), French IV (ADV), Psych (AP), Enligsh Lit (AP)
*As far as APs go, my school offers a lot of AP art, one AP science, on AP foreign language (spanish, but I am in French), AP Calc, and then the ones I've taken/signed up for.</p>

Ohio Scholastic Media Association Journalism award, Superior Column (highest rating)
Honor Roll
National Honors Society
Ohio Speech and Debate State Tournament Qualifier '09 (Congress)
" " Alternate '07 (Impromptu Speaking)
McKinley Senior HS Renaissance Program (honors thing)
Academic Letter/Award 2 years running.
Letter in Speech and Debate.
Letter in Band.
Letter in Choir.
OMEA Solo and Ensemble: Vocal Solo (1), Flute Quartet (1)</p>

<p>School Activities
Speech and Debate/officer/all years.
Academic Challenge/JV and Varsity captain/all years.
Marching Band/squad leader/three years.
Choir Program/section leader/all years.
Ladies Choir (after-school thing)/all years.
Musical Theater/all years.
Model United Nations/two years.
School Newspaper/Mckinley Saxton/three years. I've been a section editor twice, and this year I'm Managing editor, which is EiC but HARDER. lol.</p>

Hallelujah Raisers Children's Choir -asst. director/babysitter (joke)
Church Choir - Soprano!
Vacation Bible School leader/helper (since I was in middle school)
CIT at Pleasant Hill Outdoor Camp
Mrs. Oravec's Lower Elementary Class (I read to them a couple weeks out of the year)</p>

<p>I think that's everything!?!?</p>

<p>No one has answered this and I can’t help much except to say that the SATs will need to come up a lot for William and Mary. Can you raise all three to over 700? A better idea of UW GPA would also help.</p>

<p>Sorry, I don’t know anything about the other schools.</p>

<p>Elon looks like a great school for you, they will love your EC’s, Get your Math up to 550 min for a chance (and only then because of your EC’s), Do well on your AP’s and you have a chance if you decide they are the school for you and tell them why, they value commitment and potential more than most schools.</p>

<p>Smith College - no chance
Gordon College - mostlikely depending on your faith, not in the same category as your other schools.</p>

<p>I’ll be lucky to get a 500 on my math, because it has never been my strong suit. As far as the other sections, I am hoping to get them up to 700+. </p>

<p>NCmentor, may I ask why exactly I have a zero chance at Smith? Although I have a low math score on my SAT, my composite fits into their middle 50%, as do my W&R scores. I don’t even have to submit my SAT scores to Smith. My GPA could be better, of course, but it’s not as if I have a bad GPA. I can see how that would hurt me, but not how that equals no chance. Care to elaborate?</p>

<p>Sorry Starcrossed - I did not know that Smith had gone SAT optional. My perception has always been that most selective schools want to see at least average skills (500) in all areas. but I could be wrong… </p>

<p>Your record shows your a hard worker (and most likely a great kid) but colleges are still stuck on the SAT / ACT thing so I would encourage you to work on your math skills over the summer. </p>

<p>After reviewing your post again I noticed the Pell Grant eligibility, and have to rethink some of my suggestions. Elon is not known for great FA, and you should research the others to make sure you are looking at schools that if you are accepted to you can afford to go to. You may need to expand your list of schools… Several people were upset by how the economy effected the FA packages this year. Even schools that said they met the full financial needs of accepted applicants often use an institutional method to determine financial need, and some students could not afford the new number. Call the Admin reps and ask some questions. Just don’t get caught up on this whole thing of only this or that school is right for me and you will do fine… Capital University should be willing to help you attend, but still think about expanding your list…</p>

<p>Well, since you asked so nicely :P</p>

<p>Elon University: Match
William and Mary: High reach
Smith College: High-ish match. I think you should be able to get in with good essays.
Emory University: Reach</p>

<p>William and Mary and Emory would come more in your range with higher SAT scores. I personally don’t think they should be considered as much as they are, but that’s the way it is.</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! I really appreciate it:]</p>

<p>NCmentor- Smith went SAT optional in 2008, I believe, so it is a rather recent change! As far as Capital, I know a couple of people who go to there and they’ve done pretty well as far as FA goes, and if I go to Capital I plan on applying to the conservatory to increase the chance of a music talent scholarship.</p>

<p>I’m planning on applying to a few other Christian schools, but I’m actively looking for schools with good history programs. If anybody has any suggestions, please, share!</p>