Would anyone be willing to look over my first draft?

<p>I've just finished my common application essay and not sure how I feel about it. I'd love to have some feedback, and I'm quite willing to read others' essays in return.</p>

<p>Feel free to PM it =]</p>

<p>pm me..i just finished one of mine also so ill send it to u</p>

<p>I haven't got any essays to trade, but I'll read yours.
for a fee.</p>

<p>actually you're such a good guy/gal I'll read it for free howbout?</p>

<p>all kidding aside, send a PM and I'll look it over! :)</p>

<p>Send a pm, and once im done i'll send you mine.</p>

<p>=] PM it over.</p>

<p>PM it to me too :)</p>

<p>I'll read it too</p>

<p>Sure, PM it to me.</p>

<p>Sure, PM it to me, too.</p>

<p>sure.. pm it to me..</p>

<p>Yeah PM me</p>