<p>It is on its fourth draft now and I am basically happy with the content, I just want to tighten up the diction/structure/etc. and I was wondering whether anyone would be willing to proofread it over.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>
<p>It is on its fourth draft now and I am basically happy with the content, I just want to tighten up the diction/structure/etc. and I was wondering whether anyone would be willing to proofread it over.</p>
<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>
<p>I wouldn’t mind proofreading your essay for you. You can just message it to me && i’ll be happy to do it.</p>
10 char</p>
<p>I can probably help you with structure and the order of ideas if you let me read it.
I am not too good on grammar</p>
<p>I wrote one and ended up not applying to the school I wrote it for
I’d be happy to read yours for you.</p>
<p>yeah i can proofread send it over</p>
<p>yeah i can too</p>
<p>I’ll read yours :)</p>
<p>send it to me</p>