Would Applying be a Complete Waste of Time?

<p>I'm on the fence about whether or not to apply. I obviously know it would a huge reach at best, but is being accepted at all feasible? Is it worth the money to apply?</p>

<p>Planning to major in Government.</p>

<p>White Male
Public School
GPA: 96.5/100
Rank: 7 of 318
SAT: CR 770, M 710, W 730
Assume Subject Tests in mid 700s
ACT: 33</p>

Siemens Competition Regional Finalist
Siemens Competition Semi-Finalist (different year)
Summa Cum Laude - National Latin Exam
Conference Scholar Athlete
Won some local debate tournaments</p>

Student Council - Vice-President, Ambassador of the Student Body, Founded the Department of Student Advocacy
Debate Team - Co-Captain
Golf Team - Captain
Science Research - Stuff with electrostatic solar sails, used for siemens
School newspaper - reporter, page editor
National Latin Honor Society - Consul (Co-President)
Youth Group Steering Committee
4 summer missions trips: 240 hours total
National Honor Society: tutored a few hours a week
Work: Umpire and Landscaping</p>

<p>Definitely apply! Have you tried retaking the ACT?</p>

<p>Unless the 70 bucks is a big issue for you financially, I say do it. You have just as good of a chance (if not better, considering the two time Siemens thing) as everyone else. Go Nate go.</p>

<p>@xrCalico23, I did try to retake the ACT, but I got a 32 the second time I took it.</p>

<p>@Bildungsroman, Siemens is definitely a plus. Without it I wouldn’t even consider applying.</p>

<p>You’re very competitive, I really think you should apply.</p>