Would I be accepted...?

<p>Hi =)
i'll be starting college in the fall of 2009 and i hope to tranfer to a better college after a year. i am currently attending houston baptist university. my high school grades suck! i had a 2.5 GPA because i had a lot of honors classes and too much work and to top that i went to one of the best public schools in texas. i got a 670 in the math section of the SAT and a 530 in the reading. i would like to transfer to a good school like emory...i took summer classes for college and have a 4.0 GPA right now. If i work hard and get a 3.8 GPA to the least and have a lot of extra. curriculars and really good recommendations do you think i can transfer to emory or any other good school? what school if you think any other school? thanks for helping =)</p>