Would I be uncomfortable at Purdue?

<p>Hi all,
I'm a junior in high school that is obsessed with the college search, and recently, I have found that Purdue has a few things that are attractive to me, including the big ten sports, the sciencey-engineering atmosphere, the fact that the economics major (my main interest) is in the liberal arts AND business college (why don't more schools do this????), and the large student body. However, as of late, I have discovered that Purdue is a fairly conservative student body and campus. This may be an issue for me, as I am what most would call a liberal- mother jones reading, vegan, atheist, socialist, feminist, all the like. I am open to all viewpoints and such and would prefer a moderate campus to an extremely liberal one, since I could actually debate with people when there are different viewpoints. My question is are there any groups on campus that would be accepting of my views, or would I be the lone left-winger on campus? </p>

<p>I’m a civil engineering student that is mostly liberal. Maybe the local area is mostly conservative (yes, we have those bible thumping hater preachers and the people with the abortion displays, but everybody hates them), but the student body is very varied. Just don’t confront/ interact with the negative people and join the very large group of positive people. </p>

<p>You won’t be alone at all. We’re a very accepting campus. If you go to BGR you’ll hear about “Free-Zone” I think it’s called. Purdue is trying very hard to create a tolerant and accepting atmosphere for students.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input!</p>

<p>I’ve been in West Lafayette for some time (I’m a HS student dual enrolled in Purdue right now) and I can tell you that the city is fairly liberal and open-minded. (Lafayette, however, is arguably not so.) As Seirsly said, the student body is varied and I think it is very accepting as a whole. The thing is called “Safe-Zone”, and they mean it.
I have a couple extremely left-winged friends and they’re cruising along just fine. The biggest social activist I know wants to stay in the city and go to Purdue next year, for your assurance. You can inbox me to learn more :)</p>

<p>Thank you so much, and I will likely have questions for you in the future</p>

<p>I am a student at Purdue as well, and as they both said the student body is open minded! However there were people who did this abortion display in front of the math building the other day… no one liked that, at all. In all, it is a very open minded campus, I do not think you will have any problems. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.</p>