<p>the type of people that are just "normal" (in some respects)...not dorks or geeks who dont shower and study all day, but also not people who party/drink (atleast not alot). so are there people that dont belong to either of those categories?</p>
<p>I was kind of freaking out about who I was going to meet / who's there too.. until I realized... it's college. Undoubtedly, there is every possible type of person at CMU. And there's like UPitt nearby too. So, I'm pretty sure when we get there, we won't have problems finding the type of people we want. At least, that's what I think..</p>
<p>Come on, what do you think, realistically? Are all 5000-odd undergrads here going to be reclusive geeks who don't shower? Of course not! Are all 5000-odd undergrads here going to be people who party starting on Thursday and ending on Monday and sleep the rest of the time? Of course not! Contrary to popular belief, most people here actually do have personal hygiene and social skills. Maybe the whole everyone-is-a-geek thing is just a stereotype. Who knows?</p>
<p>I'm normal, and I'm not a nerd in the sense that I dont take the time of day to do anything fun, socialize, or shower... but i do love to learn and play games. I weightlift and play football, basketball, and run track. Actually I've been subjected to the party scene enough in highschool so I really know that its not worth it(mostly the hard-core-drug part). However,for me, unlike some of the freshmen who let loose, college is gonna be a time to be my true self, probably a nerdy kid, instead of who I was early on in highschool, a party/football person. I ruined a good 2 years of my life and thousand of brain cells;) I don't want to do anything unless I love doing it. No parties for me. I agree with what Thinkdifferent said. No matter what you will find a group of people with your interest.</p>
<p>So looking at my backround its obvious you're gonna have a little bit of everyone at the school</p>
<p>I'm pretty much a nerd, but besides that I'm normal. I drink, but not regularly, though I'll probably go hang at parties and stuff in college. Don't worry everyone is going to exhibit some quirk, but everyone will also have somthing to talk about, just like high school.</p>
<p>On my floor of 50 girls, about 6-8 like to go out and party hard core every night (we have a couple rooms of athletes, which inflates the number), 2 or 3 never really leave their room (one of whom doesn't shower too much, but does brush her teeth constantly), and the rest I would consider fairly normal. </p>
<p>Normal being they go have fun on the weekends, do their work on school days and sunday nights, are great to talk to at dinner/in the lounge/whatever and are generally interesting people.</p>
<p>oh wow. haha, that's pretty much me, although I was hoping that in college I could go out sometimes on weekdays, to go get something to eat or just like, chill for an hour or so.</p>
<p>i read some cs's daily schedule and they said one of their friends did hw w/other people. maybe people could do homework with me... that'd satisfy my need to hang out AND i could get my homework done. sweet. i'm kind of excited to go there now.</p>
<p>CMUGal, is it a +/- to have a floor of all girls? i haven't gotten my welcome package yet, but I probably should start thinking about where I want to go..</p>