<p>I've heard that UCSD is not very racially diverse at all, that the whites and Asians mainly stick to themselves. I know these are generalizations but I've never been there to see for myself. I'm half black, but race has never been a big deal to me. I'm not really the type to join any cultural unions or anything. My group of friends in HS literally looks like an add for diversity.</p>
<p>So is UCSD a place where I could find some close friends and maybe a boyfriend or something? I would hate to get there and feel ostracized. </p>
<p>About me: I'm a linguistics major admitted to Muir college. I'm interested in computers but not really into gaming or anything. </p>
<p>It seems to me that you anticipate UCSD students being race-oriented when it comes to cliques, and while it is true that white and asians constitute a majority of the student population, it really boils down to how you carry yourself as an individual. You’re able to answer this question much better than any of us can.</p>
<p>I would say that UCSD is not very clique-y at all. Groups of people with asians / whites mixed is pretty common. Don’t let race be a deciding factor for college.</p>
<p>That being said, you said you are interested in computers and linguistics. check out the linguistics and cognition track. it combines the two, pretty interesting </p>
<p>“I would say that UCSD is not very clique-y at all.”</p>
<p>No one will make you feel weird for being half black, but it will definitely be a culture shock if you’re used to seeing groups of people from every race hanging out.</p>
<p>You will see:</p>
<p>Groups of only white people walking around
Groups of only asian people walking around
Groups of only white people studying together
Groups of only asian people studying together</p>
<p>On any given day, and on a regular basis.</p>
<p>Maybe I notice it more being non asian or white, but trust me, you will notice it.</p>
<p>Wow. If what you’re saying is true then that sucks. : / My school is so diverse - the minority IS the majority. lol. I hang out with all sorts of races && ppl. I hope I can break the trend. jaja. : ]</p>
<p>I think being drawn to people of the same ethnicity is more of an unconscious act rather than a purposeful one-- after all people tend to be with those who have similarities and that also applies when you share the same culture and trends with another person. Nobody will make you feel ostracized unless you are inherently an @$$hole. As you said race should not be a huge issue and I know the majority of students would agree-- nobody chooses friends solely on race. That being said I do see a high tendency of Asians and whites to hang within their own groups, but I do think it’s unconscious.</p>
<p>However intermingling is not rare or even uncommon. It is almost impossible to not to make friends with someone of a different race. You will find many close friends if you are open-minded.</p>