<p>Hey guys,
I'm considering to apply to Dartmouth ED, but I didn't make up my mind yet because I wasn't sure if I'll feel comfortable in the social atmosphere in Dartmouth.</p>
<p>I'm not really into sports or outdoors, but I'm interested in trying new club sports or outdoor activities that I haven't tried before. I'm not very athletic, but I like to do some kind of sport that doesn't really stresses me out physically, such as swimming.</p>
<p>I also love the snow and anything related to snow like skiing and sledding.</p>
<p>However, I DON'T ever drink and I don't really like to hang out with people who gets drunk often (I had a bad experience with such type of people in my boarding school)</p>
<p>Also, as a female student, I'm also concerned about security and how guys treat the girls... I know that frats and sororities are big in Dartmouth, and I don't really like that.</p>
<p>Another thing I'm worried about is segregation between different races.... I'm asian and I'm an international student studying in America, and I don't want to go to a college where asians only hang out with asians or Koreans only hanging out with Koreans... I want to be friends with a diversity of people. </p>
<p>I love to watch movies, musicals, and plays and I just like to hang out and chill with my friends but NOT drink. But, I also do enjoy going to dance parties because I like dancing as well.</p>
<p>Academically, I want to go to a school where it can support pre-dentals or prelaws... I havent made up my mind yet but I want to get a great education to go to a top graduate school. I know that there are requirements in Dartmouth (and I don't have problem with that) but I also want to take interesting and unique classes, and I hope that Dartmouth offers many opportunities for me to take such classes outside of my major. </p>
<p>Thank for reading me blabbering about my self.
Based on what kind of person I am, do you guys think that Dartmouth would be the right school for me? would I regret going to Dartmouth?</p>