Would i get into GW??

I am a junior, would likely apply to elliot school or arts and sciences

Grades: GPA weighted: 97.4,


honors courseload with AP Physics and US history.
ik its not great but I’m trying my best rn.

I earned a 4 on AP euro in 2017, as a sophomore


SAT: 1270, I know I am capable of getting this higher, and plan to in the future.

ECs/ Awards:

Various academic/writing awards from my school

Speech and Debate:


number of smaller awards from various tournaments in my state,
will be (ik for sure) debate captain at my school next year,
won top prize at my schools oratory contest, out of hundreds of competitors


Model UN:


smaller awards from regional conferences, have chaired committees,
will probably be secretary general next year




I Have occupied various leadership roles, will be eagle scout by time i apply to college


Jazz Ensemble: member all years of high school

Art: I am a painter/artist, would be able to submit a portfolio with app, would they want this?

Would i “match” at GWU, and get in regular decision? Elliot school?

Thanks so much to anyone who answers, or gives me any advice. I really appreciate you :slight_smile:

Sorry, it’s too early to know your chances. You’ve got just about a whole year ahead of you and a lot can change. If you applied right now, though, I don’t think you’ve make the cut for the Elliott School. Your GPA/SAT is too low and while you have a lot of EC’s, not many translate to an interest in international affairs. I can’t speak to your chances as a fine arts applicant, either, as I don’t know a whole lot at what goes into their decision there.

Keep plugging away, get your GPA and SAT up, and check back here in 9 months or so.

Wouldn’t debate and MUN fit into intl affairs? what other ecs did u have in mind? Thanks!


Anything is possible, provided that I got into Harvard by getting a 900 on SAT, 25 ACT, 0 AP classes, 400/450 class rank, middle-class white person.

@qwxmntklp Yes, MUN fits into that category. If International Affairs is where you really want to be, then I’d also suggest some sort of internship or community service that’s related.

@judbudruddud Yes, “anything’s possible,” especially since I don’t work on the Admissions counsel and can’t say anything for certain. However, just because something incredibly improbable happens doesn’t mean you should give false hope to people. And as far as someone with the stats you’ve listed getting Harvard, I’d want some proof of that and/or to be made aware of the actual reason said person was accepted (if all those stats are true, the only thing I can imagine is that someone in their family donated a large sum of money to the university).