Would it be a good idea to go into entomology?

I am very interested in entomology, but I always see divided opinions on whether it is a useful degree.
I can only afford state schools at the moment, and they only have entomology as a graduate program. My current plan is to go into environmental health (which deals more with public health rather than zoology), but I’m unsure if I should instead enroll in a program that is more focused towards ecology and entomology if I do choose to go to graduate school.
If I want to get a average-paying career, should I get a B.S. degree in the ecology field and continue on to entomology for a Master’s degree or Ph.D, or should I stick with environmental/public health?
Or, would I have a good chance to still get into a entomology graduate program if I did major in environmental health for undergraduate school?

You might look at some grad school programs to see what courses they require; it is usually on the college websites.