Would it be a good idea?

<p>I'm a junior and I'm really struggling with my pre ap pre calculus .. .. It's effecting my gpa too .. Would it be a good idea to drop out and take like ap algebra 2 or algebra 2 ... Instead? I don't understand a word in that class and it's a very fast paced one too unfortunately</p>

<p>Waddacrappers is ap algebra 2?! I didn’t graduate from high school that long ago. There’s no such thing as far as I remember…</p>

<p>Lol I was guessing … I dunno … My bad I’m new so . Yeah</p>

<p>lol, definitely not an AP Algebra II. They must be telling you that to make you all feel better about yourselves.</p>

<p>Have you…talked to your teacher about how you’re struggling? I feel like a lot of people (myself included) decide to give up on a class before we even ask for help. 9 times out of 10 (or for me, like 3 times out of 4), as soon as I asked for help I got it, and did much better.</p>

<p>Dropping a class is a last resort, not a first.</p>

<p>Stick it through. Pre-ap precal I sucked at but it prepared me for cal bc which was a breeze. Easily got a 5. Not bragging just saying sometimes you gotta make sacrifices now for later down the road. Don’t forget to work as hard as you can though.</p>