Would it be better if they moved M10?

To something like the first or second Saturday in March. This way kids and parents can be together good news or bad. Or would it be worse with prople watching the driveway/mailbox/web browser?

It was on a Saturday in 2012 when I went through the process with my oldest son. I’m sad that I will be at work and my daughter will be in school on M10 this year. Personally I’d really like such a change.

I’m not sure if it would be exactly better to move M10, but in my opinion, I would also have liked to hear of my decisions on a weekend.

We are also waiting to hear about the public exam school our son has applied to. I know that for this reason, it’s often a sensitive time in school. Many kids take the text, some kids aren’t offered a spot, some kids are offered a spot at a school that was their second or third choice, and some get the Golden Ticket/Boston Latin.

Results became available last year on a Friday which seems ideal. Everyone went home and absorbed the news before heading back to school on Monday to compare.

It seems that the same would be true of March 10th - second Friday or Saturday of March to give the weekend for celebration or grief.

That said, there is something about a certain date that gives the whole thing a

Couple years ago it was on Saturday.
The good news only came very late in the afternoon on M10 (or was it M9) after many many rejections.

It was painful to wait as the results trickling in with little sleep.
Some portals, IIRC, opened midnight so I checked them late in the night (due to time zone difference it was before midnight). A few schools sent out emails around 6 am, so I checked emails between 3-5 am on my phone bedside and got more bad news. All morning and early afternoon more checking and bad news. One Admission director called regarding no FA, etc. It was a long day with painful waiting and disappointments.

Now, I feel that perhaps I should take an electronics-free day between 9pm 3/9th and 4pm 3/10th.

Log off everything and read a book the night before, go to bed early, get up early and go for a hike or do activities all day long that do not involve electronics (that would be hard), and then after kids are home from school, finally, open mail, check emails and the portals all together.

The schools can release the results whenever but we can decide on how we would open the results.

In the olden days before the magma cooled and while dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I am told that applicants were notified by a person in a blue uniform that slipped an envelope through a slot in the front door (Actually, only 4 years ago, one of mine did come that way :slight_smile: ). At that time, there was no way of coordinating a family get together as you did not know which day the envelope would arrive, nor did the letter carrier arrive at the exact same time every day.

While I appreciate the sentiment that everyone wants to share the news together, I think that a family pact to go dark until 6 pm (or whatever time) M10 is the way to go.

The admissions team has already spent several weeks logging in excess of 40+ hours, and to require them to work on a Saturday to accomplish your goal is not fair to them. As it is, for some schools M10 is already eating into Spring break. Additionally, I need to point out that in some countries, Saturday is not a weekend day, and even in the US, some parents have to work on Saturday.

You can’t make everyone win.

Two years ago M10 was Sunday so most schools posted on Saturday. FedEx package came Saturday but USPS package from one day school and FA letters came Monday or Tuesday. There was a snowstorm in NE some some people didn’t get mail or Fedex on Saturday. That had its own set of problems.

DS was at a math competition on M9 most of the day so we were off the grid until the afternoon. he did not check his email before the competition and we were not allowed to open ours until we were in the car. That was hard for us! We saw there were emails from schools but said we wouldn’t open the . Fortunately there was some good news in the emails. And a FedEx package at the door when we came home. There had been speculation about Saturday, Sunday or Monday for some letters/packages.

No time is ideal. M10 is usually boarding school (and many NE private school) vacation.

Good luck to everyone waiting. Next year we’ll be waiting with DS2.