Would it look weird if...

<p>I took the test 3 times</p>

<p>Test 1 - 730, 500, 520
Test 2 - 500, 740, 320
Test 3 - 200, 200, 760</p>

<p>Superscore - 2230</p>

<p>Would this hurt or mean nothing to admissions?</p>

<p>well, actually, on the last test, I needed to bump my writing score so during the math, I though, "why not catch up on some vocabulary?" since I had a dictionary on my calculator.</p>

<p>Wow.... wow. Catching up on sleep during a few sections, magic?</p>

<p>Um, I think this hurts essentially because it reflects kinda poorly on your character.</p>

<p>wow you serious? I think it would hurt.</p>

<p>damn, that sucks</p>

well, actually, on the last test, I needed to bump my writing score so during the math, I though, "why not catch up on some vocabulary?" since I had a dictionary on my calculator.


<p>Okay, this just keeps getting better and better. A dictionary on your calculator, wow. You would have done better just to sleep.</p>

<p>you truly must be magic if you got a calc. with a dictionary into the test room</p>

<p>lol are u serious. i uh definitely think this will hurt u. a 2230 like that is definitely not as impressive as a 2230 in 1 test</p>

<p>and an 1160 just plain sucks (I'm sure colleges will see it)</p>

<p>O and why would you study vocab for writing? Wouldn't that be for CR?</p>

<p>I've actually heard that if you take it 3 times some colleges will average your score for all three tests...I'm not sure though. And I don't think it would look very impressive. >_></p>

<p>Also, JayBee, my proctor didn't check my calculator at all...are they supposed to?</p>

<p>Yea they are, although they didn't check mine either lol</p>

<p>They are supposed to make sure it's approved. i.e. not an 89 or anything with a keyboard. But there is no way to check for programs like dictionaries which can be downloaded onto 83's and others. I don't know what schools OP is applying to but I don't think any are going to appreciate an 1160/2400. Would it have killed you just to do the problems?</p>

<p>hmm well then it's a matter of integrity, which OP doesn't seem to have very much of</p>

<p>I know at my school before taking the PSAT all the math teachers went around and cleared everyone's calculator. You could hear people groan. xD</p>

<p>Even if your intent going in was to superscore, you should have at least tried on the other tests.</p>

<p>Circling C for each answer would probably have yielded you at least a 300.</p>

<p>or you could have even made a cool pattern</p>

<p>waste of bubbles if you ask me</p>

<p>people with ti-89's that have dictionaries on them is quite common</p>

<p>89's aren't allowed</p>

<p>actually, you can use 89's on the SAT and SAT 2s</p>

<p>i think that they arent allowed on the act, but they are allowed on the sat.</p>

well, actually, on the last test, I needed to bump my writing score so during the math, I though, "why not catch up on some vocabulary?" since I had a dictionary on my calculator.


<p>and how would vocab even help you on the writing section?</p>

<p>o my bad on the calc's.. I just read an earlier post in this thread lol</p>

<p>yea that's what I was wondering andrea.. I really don't believe this guy</p>