Would like to transfer to a UC for compute science with a 3.0

I’m a community college student looking to transfer for computer science. I’m likely going to be sitting right around a flat 3.0 by time I meet my major requirements. Would any UC’s accept this? If so, which? If it helps any, I graduated high school in 2014 and already have an associates in psychology.

Are you transferring from a California community college?

It varies a little by UC, it appears. UCLA only admitted 29% of its applicants from CCCs. They do say you need a minimum of a 3.2 GPA in your transferable courses.


UC-Merced, on the other hand, accepted 52% of its transfer applicants (the vast majority applied from CCCs) and has a minimum GPA requirement of 2.4 (2.8 for non-resident students).


UCI, UCR, UCD, UCSB, and UCSC also require a minimum 2.4, although they mostly say that competitive applicants should have a 3.0 or above. All admit most of their transfer applicants, but in some cases, “most” means “just over half.”

UCSD requires a minimum 3.0 GPA, but their average GPA for transfer admits was a 3.56. They did admit most of their transfer applicants though (54%).

UC Berkeley requires a minimum 3.0 as well, but they say their transfer students’ GPAs ranged from a 3.68 to a 3.94. They admitted less than 25% of their transfer applicants last year.

My guess is that at UC-Merced, UCSC, UC-Irvine and UC-Riverside - you may be admissible/minimally competitive for admission from a California community college. They would all be reaches for you - UC-Merced and maybe UCSC might be a ‘high match,’ so to speak. UCSB and UCSD would be long shots. I doubt you would gain admission to UCLA or UCB, so I wouldn’t bother at those two.

I would also imagine that transferring for computer science would be even more challenging, especially with lower grades and a different major coming in. I think that your prospects for being admitted for CS are pretty low.

If you are not from California, your chances of being admitted (in general) are very low, as none of the UCs admit very many transfer students from outside of California. With a 3.0 you wouldn’t be a competitive applicant.

Are you also considering Cal States?

https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/transfers-major has some information on transfer admission rates and GPA ranges.

A 3.0 GPA is within the 25th-75th percentile transfer admit range of CSE at UC Merced, but below the 25th-75th percentile admit ranges of other UCs’ CS/CSE/CE majors.

Yes I am also considering CSU’s, I’d just want the best option possible for myself which I heard would be a UC. And I wouldn’t be transferring for psychology, I’d complete all requirements for computer science first and transfer for that. Also having an associates in psych though

Also if community college I’m attending helps, I am transferring from Diablo Valley College which is in california and apparently has a very high transfer rate

DVC is an excellent California community college. I used to live in a nearby town and I know students and faculty there. Its high transfer rate is a result of the wide availability of courses, good faculty, and the fact that it attracts high achieving students from the good nearby high schools. You will be well prepared for transfer to a four year university but the fact that you went to DVC won’t give you a significant boost relative to your GPA. You’ll still need to be in the ballpark for whatever schools you choose.

I work in the tech field and can assure you that a CS or related degree from a Cal State university will be well regarded by employers. In addition to CS, look into the coursework and GPA requirements for other majors like CIS to see if those appeal to you. Highlighting your interest in CS or IT along with your associates degree in psychology could work in your favor for getting into various MIS programs.

it looks like you can qualify for TAG at Merced with a 3.0 That would be your best shot.