Would PSYC 60 (UC San Diego) be considered a BCPM or AO course by its description and name? - AMCAS

“PSYC 60 - Introduction to Statistics (4 Units)
This course provides an introduction to both descriptive and inferential statistics, core tools in the process of scientific discovery and the interpretation of research. Recommended to complete during a student’s 2nd year. This course must be taken for a letter grade.”

I’m only wondering because I’m currently trying to minor in psychology, and it would be neat if I could knock out a mathematics requirement while taking a course for my minor.


I don’t know if it is BCMP. I would guess not.

That said, don’t you need to take Calc I as a prereq for Gen Chem? (Or maybe I’m not remembering right).

Read p 39 and especially p 40 AMCAS instruction manual carefully. The burden is on you to enter correct course info and course classification correctly. Anything less could slow down your verification process. As UCSD gets tons of premeds, you’re better off asking your premed advisors as I would suspect that this question comes up often.But I wonder if AMCAS treats this course as a BCMP course, would any med school that requires stats also treat it as satisfying their stats req???

I don’t know the course number, but I’ll assume the math dept has LD stats course that solves your problem and even getting a C in it would not harm your sGPA to any great extent. Good luck.


@Jugulator20 It says it should be based on the description of the course (for courses that metge 2 subjects), in which I still have no idea :frowning:

Also, my school says that Psyc 60 can replace math 11 (calc based stats) as your stats fulfillment; seems like it is a statistics class but ill have to look into it more

This is a question you should ask the health professions advisors at UCSD.

Alternatively, this is a question you need to ask AMCAS. AMCAS has the final say on how a course is classified.

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Closed Wednesday 3-5p.m.

@WayOutWestMom awesome thanks. I already asked the premed advisors and (I think I already told you before that) they werent too sure.

Would taking 2 stats and 1 calc class count as a year of mathematics as opposed to the standard 2 calc 1 stats (quarter system)?

It depends on what a particular med school requires. Not all med school say “1 year of mathematics”; some have specific requirements.

You should consult the MSAR (Medical School Admission Requirements), and if you have any questions, you should direct your questions to the admissions office of a specific med school.